Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1800 results.

January 2024 rainfall

January was warmer than usual while rainfall for the month was just slightly above normal – but with some big differences across the region. Waitotara at Ngutuwera had 53% less rain than usual while Uruti at Kaka Rd had 39% more. The average rainfall for the region was 108.4mm, 2% more than usual. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 18.2°C, which is 0.6°C warmer than long-term January averages. The highest temperature was 30.3°C at Waitotara at Hawken Rd.

Site 75

rainfall sites recorded figures well above their averages for the three winter months. Our site at Patea recorded rainfall figures that were 167% above its average amount for those months, yet it was still the driest of our 27 rainfall monitoring sites around the region. Perhaps you could spare a thought for the people working in the Dawson Falls area, as a staggering 2,723mls of rain fell at that site over the winter period. Congratulations to the 55 schools, 51 early

April 2022 hydrology report

page Monthly Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days > 0.5 mm Total Rainfall (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 14 342.5 70.0 1544.0 94.2 23.0 1991 Dawson Falls 14 379.5 105.9 1641.5 147.5 *36.5 1933 Kahui Hut 17 280.5 72.2 1101.5 92.3 22.8 2006 Mangorei Upper 10 112.0 41.9 1061.5 128.7 29.7 2017 Hillsborough 5

Memoir of Tūpare

all this autumn colour means a lot of leaf fall and subsequent raking. To be honest, we sometimes run out of places to hide them. Thankfully, the idea of removing every leaf is fading away. The benefits of leaf litter, the fungi that consume it and recycling it into the soil are now being recognised. Our current process is to clear paths, chop up anything that falls on the grass and add it back to the turf. The general policy is to leave what we can to be broken down and added to the soil

2022 rainfall maps

page Provisional data onlyRegional Council Taranaki Total rainfall (mm)to date xxx yy% KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy % NEW PLYMOUTH H WERAĀ ELTHAM Kaka Rd P teaā K tareō Motunui Brooklands Inglewood Pohokura SaddleNorth Egmont Stratford Huinga Cape Egmont Dawson Falls Upper Glenn Rd Whareroa Rimunui Jan-Dec 2220 Rainfall 11 %22,409 1 %242,747 1 %271,999 1 %221,931 1 %222,846 1 72 %2,504 1

February 2022 Hydrology Report

maximum rainfall being 139.0 mm recorded in October 1998. Rainfall intensities were high for this event, with more than 44 mm of rain in a hour being recorded in two separate occasions at the site. Patea, Hawera, Manaia and Te Kiri also recorded extreme rainfall during February with rainfall ranging between 578% and 666% of normal. Te Maunga recorded between 221% and 273% of normal rainfall, with North Egmont recording its second highest February rainfall on record with 869.5mm and Dawson falls

Weather study unit

Cross -Curiccula Topic: Weather Levels: 3-4 Mathematics Number Statistics Measurement Technology Weather monitoring Reading a weather map The Arts Clouds Skyscape Social Studies Photo Interpretation Timeline – weather related events Wether Emergency – Flood Wind and rain Science Weather monitoring Tropical cyclones Reading a weather map Air Pollution Wind and Rain Living under the mountain Health & Physical

Localised flooding expected throughout Taranaki

The Taranaki Regional Council is monitoring rainfall and river flows throughout the region. There has been a period of sustained heavy rain yesterday and overnight. Rain is forecast to continue until early afternoon today. At the Waiwhakaiho and Waitara flood protection schemes, river levels peaked between 2 and 4am, and based on the current weather forecast, we do not anticipate these rivers reaching critical flood levels. In the rest of the region, heavy rainfall is expected to result in

Annual report 2012-2013

offensive emissions, any sign of leaching or surface flows, and pest plants. The neighbourhood was surveyed for environmental effects such as litter. Inspections noted the type of materials and manner in which they were discharged to the site. 1.4.4 Chemical sampling Patea Beach is an elevated site which for most of the time is dry. Rain that does fall on the site drains away at a very rapid rate. The site does not suffer from flooding from rain or tidal action, due to its elevation.

August 2021 hydrology report

page Doc. No: 2859146 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RIVER REPORT FOR August 2021 Provisional Data Only Note: some sites record a number of parameters Table 1: Rainfall at 27 sites throughout the region Station Sub-region Monthly Year to Date Records Began Number of rain days (>0.5mm) Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) % of Monthly Normal (%) Total to date (mm) % of Normal for year to date % of average full calendar year Nth