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Summer 2014-2015

Waiwhakaiho River and Te Henui Stream, and less frequently at Lake Opunake, were due principally to resident wild fowl populations in the vicinity of recreational usage sites (as confirmed by inspections and more recently by DNA marker surveys). In terms of E. coli, bacteriological water quality in the latest survey period was similar in comparison with historical surveys. The total number of samples falling within the “Alert” or “Action” categories (29% of samples) was 1% higher than the long-term

TRC Southern Hill Country FMU Consultation Document September 2023

organisms. Southern Hill Country Freshwater Management Unit Discussion Document annotation page Southern Hill Country Freshwater Management Unit Draft Discussion Document Page | 9 Two sites are monitored for ammonia. Both fall in band A, meaning ammonia is likely to have little to no effect on all but the most sensitive species. Modelled estimates support monitoring results, with approximately 82% of streams and