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Winter weather delays completion of West Stand's new roof

owns the venue through the Taranaki Stadium Trust, said contractors had pulled out all the stops to get the roof done and dusted but the winter weather has meant the construction crew had been unable to complete this part of the project safely. “The team has worked very hard to get the roof installed in time for this season’s games but unfortunately the weather has not played ball. The project team had allowed for 25 rain days in the programme and the number of rain delay days to the project has

January 2022 hydrology report

page Doc. No: 2978685 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RIVER REPORT FOR January 2022 Provisional Data Only Note: some sites record a number of parameters Table 1: Rainfall at 27 sites throughout the region Station Sub-region Monthly Year to Date Records Began Number of rain days (>0.5mm) Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) % of Monthly Normal (%) % of Normal for year to date Nth Egmont Ntnl Park (North) 6 68.0 17 1 Nov 1990 Dawson Falls

October 2023 rainfall

October was a relatively dry month for most of Taranaki with 115mm of rainfall – 30% less than usual. There was 48% less rain than normal at Brooklands Zoo in New Plymouth and the site also had the highest air temperature for the month at 25.6°C. Year to date rainfall ranges from 13% less rainfall at Uruti at Kaka Rd, and 10% more rainfall at Omaru at Charlies, with an average of 3% less than normal. Mean river flows for October were 28.3% lower than typical values while mean river

STDC Patea Beach Green Waste Discharge Annual Report 2022-2023

amend the current consent. The site has not been used in recent years. The discharge site is approximately 120 m long and 25 m wide, and is shown in Figure 2. Patea Beach is an elevated site which for most of the time is dry. Rain that does fall on the site drains away at a very rapid rate. The site does not suffer from flooding from rain or tidal action, due to its elevation. 1 The Council has used these compliance grading

Inhalable particulates (PM10) regional monitoring 2003

spring and summer, often bringing unsettled and showery weather. About 40% of New Plymouth’s rain comes with winds from the north or north-east, usually falling as steady rain for several hours or longer. South easterlies tend to be dry. The annual rainfall for New Plymouth averages around 1500 mm. Rainfall across the region varies from around 1000 mm on the southern coast, to 2000 mm at the highest points of the ringplain around Stratford, and higher rainfall in the hill country and on Mt

August 2022 rainfall

August was exceptionally wet, with many rain-gauges collecting more than twice the typical rain for the month. The average was 176.6% of the long-term average, and ranged from 80% at Rimunui Station to 387% at Dawson Falls. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 113% (Manganui at SH3 Midhirst) and 211% (Dawson Falls) with an average of 141.7% of normal. Cape Egmont remains at around 211% of normal to date and has already received 95% of a typical year’s rain in eight months. Mean river flows

July 2021 hydrology report

page Doc. No: 2835178 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RIVER REPORT FOR July 2021 Provisional Data Only Note: some sites record a number of parameters Table 1: Rainfall at 27 sites throughout the region Station Sub-region Monthly Year to Date Records Began Number of rain days (>0.5mm) Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) % of Monthly Normal (%) Total to date (mm) % of Normal for year to date % of average full calendar year Nth Egmont

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust Newsletter February 2022

first newsletter of 2022. We hope everyone has been able to relax and enjoy the wonderful summer weather we have been having although the rain that is falling this weekend is very welcome from a gardening point of view. Here in New Plymouth, albeit the sunniest city in New Zealand, rain fell on 4 days in January giving a total of 12.5ml. Yesterday alone we had 180ml, twice the normal rainfall for February. Most of you will have received the 2022 Calendar of Events with the January

Civil Quarries Ltd Everett Road Annual Report 2022-2023

of gravity (Photo 5 to 7). Discharge from Pond F to the unnamed tributary of the Kurapete Stream occurs via a steel pipe access culvert. The tributary flows approximately 600 m before joining the Kurapete Stream upstream of the Everett Road Bridge. In an emergency (e.g., during a sustained heavy rain event), Ponds B and C are bypassed as water is pumped directly from Pond A to Pond D where it travels through the system to Pond F. Contouring and bunding of the site directs stormwater to Ponds

Taranaki June 2015 flood event

2015 with 15.192m recorded as stage height at Riminui station, in the middle of the Waitotara catchment. This compared with 13.5m at the same site recorded in 2004 and 10.8 in July 2006.This was the highest water level recorded since the site was installed in 1993. Riminui recorded a total rainfall of 307.5mm (226% of normal) for the month of June, with 174 mm of that total falling over the 19-20 June period. Despite the high levels of rain and river flow, the peak flood levels in the