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Waihapa Production Station Annual Report 2021-2022

would direct stormwater back to the ring drain while still allowing vehicle access. 9 June 2022 The site was tidy and processes appeared to be well managed with drip trays and chemical bunding in use and no spills or stains evident on the ground. The inspection was undertaken after heavy rain and the stormwater system was coping well, with all stormwater being collected and directed appropriately prior to discharge. The stream was visually the same upstream and downstream of the site. It

Manawa Energy Motukawa HEP Annual Report 2022-2023

the Manganui River, water levels in the race and lake, and how much rain is falling locally. This has allowed the Company to manage race flows to minimise flooding, and has greatly improved the Company’s compliance with residual flow requirements. Resource consents The Company holds 13 resource consents, the details of which are summarised in the table below. Summaries of the conditions attached to each permit are set out in Section 3 of this report. A summary of the various consent

Report 2012-2014

of this report. 1.3.2 Water abstraction permit (groundwater) Section 14 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. The Council determined that the application to take groundwater fell within Rule 49 of the Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki (RFWP) as

Annual report 2013-2014

Colson Rd landfill leachate 22 Table 4 Results of analysis of under liner drainage 23 Table 5 Chemical analysis of the Manganaha Stream 24 Table 6 Chemical analysis of the Puremu Stream, sampled on 11 December 2013 25 Table 7 Chemical analysis of the Puremu Stream, sampled on 14 March 2014 26 Table 8 Results of metal analysis undertaken on 13 December 2013 27 Table 9 Results of rain event monitoring samples taken on 1 October 2013 28 Table 10 Results of rain event monitoring

14AEE AppendixL

relation to composting and waste water irrigation areas. page Photo 1 A fyke net, set at site 2, Haehanga Stream. Results and Discussion On the day that the nets were set, a localised rain event caused flows to increase in the Haehanga Stream. This also resulted in the discharge of sediment-contaminated stormwater into the Haehanga Stream, resulting in discolouration. Although discolouration is frequently noted in this catchment, the degree of discolouration at sites 2 and 3 was

Site 70

Needs Water. Nitrates in groundwater at 27 sites Groundwater levels at 10 sites Pesticides in groundwater at 7 sites Snow Evaporation Evaporation Rain Snow Groundwater flow Surface runoff Water Cycle Irrigation circle in south Taranaki page Juni r Environmentalists Page Word find S ITE 20 ISSUE NO.JULY 14 70 abandoned well biodegradable chemical clean conservation depletion drinking environment glass irrigation