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Policy & Planning agenda October 2018

Councillor B K Raine Councillor C S Williamson Councillor D L Lean (ex officio) Councillor D N MacLeod (ex officio) Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi Representative) Members Councillor G Boyde (Stratford District Council) Mr J Hooker (Iwi Representative) Councillor R Jordan (New Plymouth District Council) Mr P Muir (Taranaki Federated Farmers) Councillor P Nixon (South Taranaki District Council) Mr M Ritai (Iwi Representative) Apologies Notification of Late Items

Annual report 2015-2016

5350-1 To dam and divert water 5351-1 To erect, place and maintain structures in the beds of the unnamed tributaries The permits are discussed further in sections 1.3.1 to 1.3.5 below, with copies attached to this report in Appendix 1. 1.3.1 Water permit Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular

Annual report 2013-2014

Stratford DC oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2014-2015

Stratford DC oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Report 2011-2013

inspection. 8 October 2012 Heavy rain was falling at the time of inspection. Silt and sediment was observed flowing over the site into the ring drains and mixing with clear stormwater/spring water. The skimmer pits were clear and discharging. Grasses were observed growing in the discharge drain. No samples were taken during the inspection. No effects were observed as a result of stormwater/spring water discharging offsite. Groundwater was not discharging from the pipe below the site and the

Appendix F - irrigation model

page Month May June July August September October November December January February March April April Days in Month 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 364 Uruti Virtual Climate Station Evaporation mm Average 31.12 21.41 25.43 39.04 57.48 85.05 109.32 126.01 134.46 107.97 88.65 52.65 52.65 878.60 Rain mm/day 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (878.60) 13 Month Calendar 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 Week 1 Predicted

Proposed Coastal Plan Environment Court Decision 14 July 2022

(for instance, as to the diversion of natural water) to take into account climate change effects of the burning of coal (for instance, by prohibiting such diversions if associated with coal mining)? Such an exercise would not be directly precluded by s 70A of the RMA. It might, however, be thought to fall foul of an implied and more general limitation on its competence in relation to climate change underlying the 2004 Amendment Act. If so, such a rule would be ultra

Appendix 1

6179200 2612600 5617463 1702550 1871-1959 -0.58 Ohawe Beach 1959-1966 -1.29 133 Raine Road 6179200 2611700 5617463 1701650 1940-1976 -1.11 134 Winks Trig 6179900 2608000 5618161 1697951 1872-1976 -0.34 135 Normanby Road 6180400 2603900 5618658 1693851 1879-1930 -0.16 136 Glen Road 6181000 2601800 5619257 1691751 1912-1947 0 137 Pihama 6188500 2587700 5626748 1677650 1920-1976 0 138 Punehu 6189000 2587200 5627247 1677150 1920-1976 -0.09 139 Oaonui 6201000 2577400

Annual report 2016-2017

upstream and downstream of the WWTP discharge, which was also sampled. The Esk Road septic wastes unloading facility was also inspected. This area was found to be in a satisfactory condition with no odour or unauthorised waste disposal issues noted. 28 November 2016 An inspection was conducted in overcast, showery weather with a westerly wind. The monthly rainfall was 287 mm rain as recorded at the Stratford TRC weather station. The step screen was operating and wastes were fully

Annual report 2016-2017

establishment of vegetation, were stripped in heavy weather in September 2015 (Figure 5). Since this date, numerous attempts had been undertaken to re-establish the vegetation, however wind and rain erosion had hindered the progress. Figures 6 and 7 denote the follow up re-sown grass which was undertaken in May 2016. The re-sown grass was blown out through wind and rain erosion throughout the 2016 winter. In February of 2017, the site was revisited. The site management had undertaken additional