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page Doc# 1978382-v1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council, held Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 12 December 2017 at 10.30am. Present Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairperson) M J Cloke M G Davey M P Joyce D L Lean (Deputy Chairperson) C L Littlewood M J McDonald D H McIntyre B K Raine N W Walker C S Williamson Attending Messrs B G Chamberlain (Chief Executive) A D McLay (Director-Resource Management) G K Bedford

Policy & Planning minutes April 2018

(Policy and Strategy Manager) P Ledingham (Communications Officer) R Ritchie (Communications Manager) S Tamarapa (Iwi Communications Officer) Mrs H Gerrard (Science Manager) Mrs K van Gameren (Committee Administrator) Mrs F Mulligan (Iwi Representative) Mr J Clough (Wrightson Consulting) Mr A Bunn (Information Technology Officer) One member of the media. Apologies The apology from Councillor B K Raine was received and sustained. Notification of Late


page Doc# 1922442-v1 Minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council, held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 29 August 2017 at 10.30 am. Members Councillors N W Walker (Committee Chairperson) M P Joyce C L Littlewood D H McIntyre B K Raine C S Williamson D L Lean (ex officio) D N MacLeod (ex officio) Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi


page Doc# 1812098-v1 Minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council, held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 31 January 2017 at 11.00 am. Members Councillors N W Walker (Committee Chairperson) M P Joyce C L Littlewood D H McIntyre B K Raine C S Williamson D L Lean (ex officio) D N MacLeod (ex officio) Attending Councillor G Boyde (Stratford

Report and decision on New Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Plant on a contingency basis (2015)

the sludge does not meet ‘B’ classification its disposal as proposed is not best practice. 61. Sites to the south of the NPWWTP are zoned ‘Industrial C’ and workplaces are based both indoors and outdoors so any buffer distances used to buildings do not take into account the outdoor workspace, leaving workers in these areas unprotected. 62. A discharge may be necessary during heavy rain and in such weather the discharge will likely lead to pathogens being transported to surface water or

TRC Annual Report 2017/2018 - introductory sections

The new centre gives our world-class garden a world- class visitor experience. It gives people an opportunity to visit regardless of the weather and time of year, and experience the wonderful gardens out of the rain and under a roof, and to take in the stories of Pukeiti. Allied developments include a network of tree houses and an associated activity pack that also proved popular with children and their parents and caregivers. The success of these


page Doc# 1999898-v1 Minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council, held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 30 January 2018 at 10.40am. Members Councillors N W Walker (Committee Chairperson) C L Littlewood D H McIntyre B K Raine C S Williamson D L Lean (ex officio) D N MacLeod (ex officio) Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi Representative) Members Councillor G Boyde (Stratford District