Regional Transport Committee Agenda March 2022
Regional Transport Committee Agenda 2 March 2022
Regional Transport Committee Agenda 2 March 2022
taking Taranaki forward. Proposals over the coming six years are: To complete the existing upgrade programme at Pukeiti, including the replacement Lodge, carpark extension, landscaping, new features for children’s activities. To complete a trail within Pukeiti to link to the Kaitake Trail being developed by the New Plymouth District Council on a paper road down the coast, as an integral part of the Taranaki Crossing. This link would include a treetop canopy walk across a rain forested
a treetop canopy walk across a rain forested valley. To also invest directly in the Kaitake Trail proper. To complete outer tracks and a lookout at Pukeiti to complement the Taranaki Crossing. To establish a family tramping hut within Pukeiti, as well as a new link to nearby commercial accommodation. WHAT IT MEANS FOR RATEPAYERS The proposed direct contribution of $3.5 million to the Kaitake Trail is in the form of a grant. The Council will not use rates to recover
stock. There were issues around keeping buried product in the ground due to elevated groundwater levels, the officer noted that the pits appeared to be well managed. At the time of the inspection a discharge pipe to pond 1 had been damaged and product is leaking into the ground. TBP was advised that this needed to be resolved before the next inspection. 4 May 2022 At the time of the inspection, the inspecting officer was advised that heavy rain had contributed to high groundwater levels
non-cohesive materials (that have settled out from suspension) and large amounts of organic material they can expel water under strong earthquake shaking as well as settle differentially. Swamps may also amplify low to moderate levels of earthquake shaking and where their depth is greater than 10 metres they fall into Ground Class E (soft soil) of the ground classification scheme used in NZS 1170.5 – the structural design code used for building design in New Zealand. page Confidential 2013
GPL Southern Sites Annual Report 2023-2024
apply to help defray costs. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Karl Rossiter with names and numbers: Email: / Telephone or Text: 021 425 010. Seating is limited. Pukeiti Visitors Visitor numbers continue to grow. An estimated 85,000 visited in the last twelve months. Reviews last month on the TripAdvisor website by 265 travellers rated the visit as: Excellent 72% Very Good 24% Average 3% Poor 1% Café Hours The Rain Forest Café is now open during
(Director-Corporate Services) S R Hall (Director-Operations A D McLay (Director-Resource Management) G K Bedford (Director-Environment Services) R Ritchie (Communications Manager) P Ledingham (Communications Officer) Ms J Mack (Committee Administrator) One member of the press Apologies The apologies from Councillors M G Davey, B K Raine and N W Walker were received and sustained. Notification of Late Items There were no late items of business. 1.
page Doc# 2047779-v1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council, held Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Monday 7 May 2018 at 10.00am to hear submissions to the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan. Present Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairperson) M J Cloke M G Davey M P Joyce D L Lean (Deputy Chairperson) C L Littlewood M J McDonald D H McIntyre B K Raine N W Walker C S
A J L W C R G T A Q I K K Z G G W R Y X E L T T O B Y R T P P I R D X S S J U U T Y M V K U N E STEAM SWIM TIDE WAVE WET BOTTLE COLD DRAIN DRINK DRIP GLACIER ICE ICEBERG LIQUID OCEAN POOL RAIN RIVER SEA SPLASH True/False water statements You will be doing really well to get all ten of these statements correct. But, give it a go and the best of luck to you. If it is any consolation, Mr Archer only got 8 correct!