Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1884 results.

Site 83

in Taranaki include 27 pest animals, 22 pest plants, and 4 pest fish. The control of all of them falls into three categories. 1. Eradication – This is the complete removal of the pest from Taranaki. An example is the rook, a crow-like bird that causes considerable damage to pasture. To the best of our knowledge we believe there are no longer any rooks living in Taranaki. 2. Containment – Where we feel that total eradication of a pest is not possible, we

Triennial report 2010-2013

Methanex currently holds a consent for a flood control structure in the Waitara River. Section 14 of the Resource Management Act stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Methanex currently holds two abstraction consents for the Waitara River. Section 15(1)(a) of the Resource Management Act

March 2020 rainfall maps

page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total monthly rainfall (mm) KEY xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 98% 113% 77% 101% 61% 69%60% 77% 38% 108% 56% 64% 85 114 146 113

Taranaki Stadium Trust statement of intent - year to 30 June 2021

at valuation. Donated assets are recognised upon receipt of the asset if the asset has a useful life of 12 months or more, and the current value of the asset is readily obtainable and significant. Significant donated assets for which current values are not readily obtainable are not recognised. For an asset to be sold, the asset is impaired if the market price for an equivalent asset falls below its carrying amount. For an asset to be used by the Trust, the asset is impaired if the value to

Flexgas Ltd Ahuroa B Gas Storage Facility Annual Report 2020 2021

Council that the ground conditions were in line with the consent conditions (23 and 24) of the expired consent. Further, a stormwater sample page 16 was collected from pooled rain water which demonstrated no elevated contaminants were present in the sample. The Council’s position was that the works did not result in any on-going discharge of contaminants to the environment as a process of the skimmer pit development. Additional surface water samples are proposed in the

Freshwater & coast recreation survey 2019-2020

E.coli/Enterococci samples falling in each band of the MfE contact recreation guidelines over the 2018-2019 bathing season 21 Figure 15 Do questionnaire respondents check conditions prior to visiting a recreational site? 22 page iii Figure 16 Conditions checked by survey respondents prior to visiting a site 22 Figure 17 Websites used when checking site conditions prior to a visit 23 Figure 18 If questionnaire respondents would still visit a recreational site when a …

Recount 97 - June 2015

after intense rainfall on 19 and 20 June resulted in widespread flooding and slips and severe disruptions to roading and electricity networks throughout Taranaki. A Civil Defence State Of Emergency was declared at 9pm on Saturday 20 June, and remained in place for a week. The heaviest rain was in inland South Taranaki but throughout the region, about 60 local roads were blocked by slips and washouts and in at least one case, repairs are expected to take

SOE2022 River Water Quality

growth of multiple species and approaching acute impact level for sensitive species at higher concentrations). The national bottom line sits between bands B and C. For nitrate, all 15 sites monitored in Taranaki achieved national bottom lines, with all but three falling in band A for both the annual median and 95th percentile measures. The sites in band B were in mid and lower parts of southern ring plain catchments, which are areas of more intensive pastoral