Annual report 2015-2016
STDC Waverley, Kaponga, Manaia & Patea wastewater treatment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
STDC Waverley, Kaponga, Manaia & Patea wastewater treatment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Users: 5223 Tourism Sites: 1 State Highway: 10km Omamari Maunganui Bluff TECT Park (Adrenalin Forest) Utakura: Twin Coast Cycle Trail. Maruia Falls Buller Gorge Lake Rotoroa Cape Palliser Kenepuru Head Cable Bay Okiwi Bay Entrances/exits to Heaphy Track Totaranui Beach and campsite Pongaroa Wharariki Beach Cape Farewell Blackhead Kairakau Beach Waipatiki Beach Strathmore Tutira Raurimu Waihua Tongaporutu Entrances/exits to The Timber Trail
STDC Closed Landfills Annual Report 2023-2024
… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only P TEAĀ NEW PLYMOUTH ŌPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA H WERAĀ Tota (mm)l rainfall to date KEY xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa P teaā North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd K tareō Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 9 %4 101% 106% 10 %5 104% 117%125% 112% 125% 100% 122% 109% 1677 2024 2225 2468
to say that a well-managed composting operation should produce little or no leachate and the only liquids leaving the composting pads should be stormwater runoff from the composting piles and the operating area including tracks and the truck wash. 19. Both Pads 1 & 3 and the operational areas are engineered so that all stormwater that falls on these areas is captured and diverted into the irrigation pond. 20. As described in the previous paragraph all the contaminated
CD Boyd drilling waste resource consent monitoring report 2019-2020
enter the stormwater pits. It was recommended to pump this ponded area down, as more rain was forecast. The WTP sludge ponds on the stockpiling site had been completely flattened. Some sedimentation was noted in the nearby drain, however, downstream was clear. The area of ponded drilling waste around the irrigators was no longer present. Pasture strike is good in the recently landfarmed area. No issues were noted. 2.1.2 Results of abstraction and discharge monitoring
Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Award for Environmental Action in Education… TRC, 23 December 2022 2.3K 77 8 Year 6 tamariki from Coastal Taranaki School have been busy building wētā motels! … TRC, 16 December 2022 2K 41 9 The rain stayed away from Taranaki Maunga in December with just 60% of the long-term average recorded at North Egmont. It was a different story in the Eastern Hill Country with 194% at Mangaehu at Bridge… TRC, 10 January 2023 1.7K 12
Ltd (For a copy of the signed resource consent please contact the TRC Consents department) page Water abstraction permits Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Permits authorising the abstraction of water are issued by the Council under Section
consent, the conditions of this consent shall prevail. 2. The consent holder shall maintain the structure in a safe and sound state such that: (a) It does not fall into a state of disrepair and continues to function effectively for the purpose it was designed; (b) Its structural integrity is maintained; and (c) There is no settlement or loss of foundation material. 3. The structure shall not cause significant erosion of the foreshore or seabed. 4. In accordance with section 128