Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1884 results.

SOE2022 Solid waste

year. The volume of waste to landfill peaked at 65,257 tonnes in 2013-2014 What we know and reduced significantly from 2015 when all three district councils aligned their recycling collection services and created a regional materials recovery facility in New Plymouth to process recyclables. In 2014, the waste to landfill in the region per person was 595kg falling to 311kg per person in 2020-2021. In Stratford and South Taranaki, there has been additional


prepared as a separate appendix. This report deals only with historic heritage located in or on the boundary of the Coastal Marine Area. The Coastal Marine Area is defined as the area seaward of Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) to the 12 nautical mile limit, and in river mouths as defined by the Taranaki Coastal Plan, Appendix 2: Coastal marine boundaries at river mouths. Identification and protection of archaeological sites located on the landward side of these boundaries falls within the

Archaeological Scoping Study

prepared as a separate appendix. This report deals only with historic heritage located in or on the boundary of the Coastal Marine Area. The Coastal Marine Area is defined as the area seaward of Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) to the 12 nautical mile limit, and in river mouths as defined by the Taranaki Coastal Plan, Appendix 2: Coastal marine boundaries at river mouths. Identification and protection of archaeological sites located on the landward side of these boundaries falls within the

Taranaki Thoroughbred Racing Annual Report 2020 2021

monitoring bore GND2103 varied in response to abstraction from GND2010. When abstraction volumes increase over the summer months the groundwater levels fall in response and during the winter months, when abstraction decreases, the groundwater levels recover. In summary, groundwater level monitoring data gathered by the Council does not indicate any long-term reduction in shallow or deep groundwater levels as a result of the abstraction authorised by consent 7470- 1.2. As such, the potential for

2018 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total rainfall to date (mm) KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 106% 101% 99% 110% 84% 110%112% 130% 123%

2016 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total annual rainfall (mm) KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Mangorei Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 110% 106% 112% 112% 98% 113%117% 108% 105% N/A

2017 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total annual rainfall (mm) KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 112% 108% 119% 107% 88% 115%110% 121% 124%

2019 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total rainfall to date (mm) KEY xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 99% 89% 93% 94% 73% 101%104% 124% 117% 96% 100% 90% 1460 2122 1968

Long-Term Plan 2021/2031

… levels are $8m per annum over the ten years of the 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan. Dividends are a significant portion of the Council’s revenue streams. Port Taranaki Ltd operates in a highly-competitive trading environment and there are no guarantees that it will be able to continue to deliver forecast dividend levels. Accordingly there is a risk that profits and dividends may fall at some future point. This is the biggest risk to the delivery of the proposed programmes. Over the 10