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Appendix Y - assessment of odour effect

2.4 Irrigation to Land of Leachate Situated north of the compost and vermiculture operations is a series of leachate ponds that collects run-off from these activities. In addition to the collection of leachate and stormwater that falls in the composting area, wash down water from the truck wash is also collected in this pond; which further dilutes the compost leachate. Figure 2 highlights the area in purple, where water from these ponds are irrigated to land. Typically irrigation

Annual report 2015-2016

Stratford DC wastwater treatment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

SDC Water Supplies Annual Report 2021-2022

fall over a small waterfall. At the base of the waterfall the discharged water runs down a natural cobbled channel beneath native riparian vegetation for approximately 10 metres before entering the Patea River, downstream of the intake weir. 1.2.2 Midhirst water supply The Midhirst community WTP, which supplies to 92 properties, originally supplied the former Midhirst dairy factory. Water is pumped from the Te Popo Stream (through a small filter attached to a flexible hose within the

Annual report 2015-2016

person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Vector Ltd holds water permit 1125-4 to take water from Kapuni Stream for the operation of a gas processing facility and related ancillary purposes and downstream uses. This permit was issued by the Council on 19 June 2012 under Section 87(d) of the RMA. It is due to expire on 1 June

Summer 2009-2010

140 cfu/100ml on 12 January 2010, this was likely caused by elevated river flows following rain in the preceding few days. Compliance with guidelines Compliance with the 2003 guidelines for marine contact usage is summarised in Table 12. Table 12 Bacterial guidelines performance at Onaero Beach Number of exceedances of enterococci guidelines [ % of 20 samples] Parameter ALERT Single sample 141-280/100ml ACTION Two consecutive samples >280/100 ml

Annual report 2012-2013

October 2012 and 20 March and 12 June 2013. Notes from these visits are listed below. Records of production and incinerator operation were inspected and found to be satisfactory. 16 August 2012 There were light rain showers, and a blustery W wind. Yellow pollen was present on the surface and at the edges of the storm ponds. Herekawe Stream was in low fresh, slightly turbid, with no foam beyond the mixing zone. The (combined DAS/municipal) stormwater discharge had noticeable “road” odour.

2018 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total rainfall to date (mm) KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 106% 101% 99% 110% 84% 110%112% 130% 123%

2016 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total annual rainfall (mm) KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Mangorei Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 110% 106% 112% 112% 98% 113%117% 108% 105% N/A

2017 rainfall maps

… page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total annual rainfall (mm) KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 112% 108% 119% 107% 88% 115%110% 121% 124%