31 January 2012
The site was unmanned at the time of inspection. There was processing equipment
onsite. The hill that had been pushed into the quarry pit for reinstatement had been
graded and contoured. There was no dust found beyond the boundary of the property.
There was no runoff from the site occurring at the time of inspection. The site was tidy.
14 May 2012
The site was unmanned at the time of inspection. It was raining and windy at the time
of inspection. The reinstated
Ordinary Council Meeting 21 February 2022
Company. Through an automated water
level sensor system, the Company can monitor the residual flows in the Manganui River and Mangaotea
Stream, water levels in the race and lake and how much rain is falling locally. This has allowed the Company
to manage race flows to minimise flooding, and has greatly improved the Company’s compliance with
residual flow requirements.
1.3 Resource consents
The Company holds 23 resource consents, the details of which are summarised in the table below.
the Council’s revenue streams. Port Taranaki Ltd operates in a highly-competitive
trading environment and there are no guarantees that it will be able to continue to deliver forecast dividend levels.
Accordingly there is a risk that profits and dividends may fall at some future point. This is the biggest risk to the delivery
of the proposed programmes. Refer to the Financial Strategy section and Appendix 1: Assumptions for additional
information on this risk.
Over the ten
rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular
categories set out in Section 14.
Kaupokonui Stream
Fonterra Limited holds water permit 0302-3 to take and use up to 19,500 m³/day (225 litres/second) of
water from the Kaupokonui Stream for cooling water and general purposes associated with lactose
manufacturing. This permit was issued by the Council on 9 June 1999 under Section 87(d) of the RMA. It is
due to expire on 1 June 2019.
There are three special conditions
discharge met the
standards of Rule 22 of the Regional Freshwater Plan as a permitted activity.
1.3.1 Water abstraction permits
Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam of divert any
water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a
regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14.
Kaupokonui Stream
Fonterra Limited holds water permit 0302-3 to take and use up
(50 m d/s of cleanfill)
@25°C mS/m 10.6 24.8 25.3
ammonia g/m3 0.00158 0.0039 0.0041
nitrogen g/m3-N 0.46 1.89 1.88
pH pH 7.1 6.8 6.9
Suspended solids g/m3 6 14 13
Temperature °C 13.3 13.4 12.4
The values for all reported analytes except for ammoniacal nitrogen fall within comparable ranges for other
streams associated with cleanfills. Slightly elevated ammoniacal nitrogen values for the downstream
OU is the
appropriate guideline for a ‘moderately’ sensitive receiving environment. I
consider that the Mr McDonald’s workshop/business would fall within this
moderate sensitivity category. As such the 5 OU criteria within the MfE
GPG Odour would be applicable to this receptor location.
1.15 I also wish to point out that the 2 OU contour in Figure 3 (proposed farm)
extends well into the Area Q land on the other side of Airport Drive. It is
my understanding
hill county
farming, implementing fresh water policy, developing Farm Environmental Plans, water
and stream health monitoring, predator management, fencing, planting and the
collection of farm environment data.
31. The actions and priorities from across all catchment communities have subsequently
been consolidated to create the Regional Integrated Plan. This plan details the costs over
the next 24 months and each of the community catchment actions have been grouped to
fall within one of
Company. Through an automated water
level sensor system, the Company can monitor the residual flows in the Manganui River and Mangaotea
Stream, water levels in the race and lake and how much rain is falling locally. This has allowed the Company
to manage race flows to minimise flooding, and has greatly improved the Company’s compliance with
residual flow requirements.
1.3 Resource consents
The Company holds 23 resource consents, the details of which are summarised in the table below.