Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1931 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

Freshwater physicochemical state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Hearing evidence - additional from Submitters - Van Kekem - 04 March 2022

OU is the appropriate guideline for a ‘moderately’ sensitive receiving environment. I consider that the Mr McDonald’s workshop/business would fall within this moderate sensitivity category. As such the 5 OU criteria within the MfE GPG Odour would be applicable to this receptor location. 1.15 I also wish to point out that the 2 OU contour in Figure 3 (proposed farm) extends well into the Area Q land on the other side of Airport Drive. It is my understanding

web Fonterra appeal

are adequately addressed under other provisions of the Plan and do not require repeating. Section 5.1 explains that the policies apply to all activities within the coastal environment, regardless of the activity to be authorised and which coastal management area the activity may fall within. Policy 33 must therefore be read in conjunction with each of the other relevant policies, including all the General Policies. Together these policies address the matters covered in the

Longfin eel

climber, the longfin eel can climb steep falls and is found in almost all of New Zealand’s waterways from sea level to 1150m altitude and up to 314km inland. Habitats include streams, rivers, wetlands and lakes. Juveniles prefer shallow fast-flowing water with coarse substratum, while adults are more common under the cover of river banks or large debris in slower flowing water. Longfin eel only breed once in their life. Adult males mature at around 25 years

Value Timber monitoring report 2017-2018

well-maintained with approximately ten small stockpiles of sawdust waiting to be spread. The area was intact, with no cracking or slumping evident on either the fill area or the tip face. No unauthorised material was noted. There was no ponding observed, despite heavy rain the previous day, and the material was damp underfoot. The pre-fill gully was well grassed with no sign of exposed soil or sediment runoff. The stage 1 fill area was damp underfoot and had been recently grazed, and showed no sign of

Annual report 2015-2016

minor amount of erosion at one point that was likely to have been caused by the heavy rain in the previous week. The stormwater ponds were all nearly full, with approximately 0.3-0.5 m of freeboard. The contents were a relatively clear brown colour, and the lowest pond had an iron oxide sheen present on the surface. The downstream stormwater drain had recently been cleared of vegetation and there were no obstructions to flow. Silt controls were in place, and appeared to be effective as the

Annual report 2013-2014

the time of the inspection with 5 mm of rain over the past three days. Significant earthworks were being undertaken at the site. The contractor on-site outlined that the whole area was being prepared for eventual filling. Pipe had been laid down the length of both channels to pipe the spring water. Stormwater pipes and risers had also been installed to intercept stormwater from the surrounding pasture. At the time of the inspection, the contractor was digging a retention/silt pond for

Annual report 2013-2014

this area. The truck wash area looked to be working well. The settling ponds at the truck wash area were full with a small clear discharge to the drain. There was some evidence of fines in the drain due to recent rain and the pump having broken down which was being repaired. The slurry area at the back of the yard was full which would need to be emptied soon. The main drain through the yard had been cleaned out. Overall the site looked to be well maintained and managed at the time of

Biennial report 2011-2013

tidy. 31 January 2012 The site was unmanned at the time of inspection. There was processing equipment onsite. The hill that had been pushed into the quarry pit for reinstatement had been graded and contoured. There was no dust found beyond the boundary of the property. There was no runoff from the site occurring at the time of inspection. The site was tidy. 14 May 2012 The site was unmanned at the time of inspection. It was raining and windy at the time of inspection. The reinstated