nutrient data and survey dates 50
2.5.2 Periphyton cover 50
2.5.3 Periphyton Index Score 52
2.5.4 Periphyton biomass 52
2.5.5 Summary of 2002-2016 (14 year data set) 53
2.5.6 Long term trend analysis 55
2.6 Waingongoro River 56
2.6.1 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 58
2.6.2 Periphyton cover 58
2.6.3 Periphyton Index Score 60
2.6.4 Periphyton biomass 60
2.6.5 Summary of 2002-2016 (14 year data set) 61
2.6.6 Long term trend analysis 63
2.7 Punehu Stream
Results 52
9.2.1 Inspections 52
9.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 53
9.2.3 Results of surface water monitoring 53
Investigations, interventions, and incidents 54
Evaluation of performance 55
10 New Plymouth District Council 57
Site description 57
10.1.1 Water discharge permits 57
10.1.2 Bewley Road closed landfill 59
Results 60
10.2.1 Inspections 60
10.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 60 Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Burton Street
R J Hill Laboratories Limited
28 Duke Street Frankton 3204
Private Bag 3205
Hamilton 3240 New Zealand
0508 HILL LAB (44 555 22)
+64 7 858 2000
This Laboratory is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), which represents
Dodunski [PDF, 2.1 MB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Cameron Twigley [PDF, 6.7 MB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Donovan Van Kekem [PDF, 2.2 MB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Duncan Backshall [PDF, 198 KB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Glenis McDonald [PDF, 515 KB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Karen Brown [PDF, 180 KB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Kevin and Glenis McDonald [PDF, 108 KB] Submitters Statement of Evidence Kevin McDonald [PDF, 53 KB] Submitters Statement of Evidence
.................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 18: Road movement and place diagram .................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 19: Future urban development in New Plymouth .................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 20: Streets for People Project, Drews Avenue, Whanganui
.................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 18: Road movement and place diagram .................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 19: Future urban development in New Plymouth .................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 20: Streets for People Project, Drews Avenue, Whanganui
10.3.1 Stormwater discharges 49
Inspections 49
Chemical monitoring 49
Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Burton Street 50
Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from McLeod’s Drain 50
Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Rifle Range Road and Struthers
Place 51
Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Vickers Road 51
Discharge to Mangaone Stream from mid Katere Road 52
Discharge to Mangaone Stream from Hurlstone Drive 52
10.3.2 Bewley Road industrial development 53
Waverley Beach water supply 52
Recommendations from the 2021-2022 Annual Report 53
Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2023-2024 53
Exercise of optional review of consent 54
4 Recommendations 55
Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 56
Bibliography and references 58
Appendix I Resource consents held by STDC
Appendix II Categories used to evaluate environmental and administrative performance
List of tables
Table 1 South Taranaki water supplies
a. Chris Nally spoke to the item.
b. Waitara – Bell Block. Roundabout at De Havilland Drive starting in the 2024/25
season. Princess Street roundabout expected to be finished this season. Proposed
new work through this section waiting for approval to close highway from 11
December for eight weeks. Detour through Waitara. Expect to be working six days
per week right through the period except for Christmas day and Boxing Day
Regional Transport Committee - Confirmation of