The current New Plymouth urban network has been largely unchanged for nearly 15 years. As shown in
Figure 2, services 1 to 9 depart from the Ariki Street central hub, and then fan out across the different
suburbs before returning around 30-35 minutes later. Services 1 to 9 run as a “pulse” timetable, where they
BTC Part A – Regional Public Transport Plan Consultation draft Sep2023 11
all depart at same time and run to an identical
financial year and build in the next financial
year. Need more design and preparation work and ensure good
consultation with iwi is happening.
Working to tidy up the AMP to prevent duplication.
Spending more money in rural areas with roads being destroyed by
forestry so the budget for rehabs is high.
Integrated Transport Strategy – really want to get things under control
with State Highway and bypass routes, linking the modes of transport.
Innovating Streets Inglewood – Have …
................................................................ 52
4.1 Our focus over the next ten years ................................................... 52
4.2 Transport priorities ........................................................................ 53
4.3 Strategic alignment ....................................................................... 54
5. Programming of activities....................................................................... 55
5.1 Proposed ‘business as usual’
Environmental Limited
195 Rattray Street
PO Box 1023
New Zealand
Phone: 03 477 2119
Document version: 17 November 2020 (Final)
Cover page: Mangorei HEPS intake on the Waiwhakaiho River, November 2018 (photo: G. Ryder).
© All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or copied in any form without the
permission of the copyright owner(s). Such permission is only to be given in accordance with the
terms of the client’s contract with Ryder Environmental Limited.
5.3.1 Low flow receiving water survey of January 2023 50
5.3.2 Biological monitoring survey 53
Investigations, interventions, and incidents 54
Discussion 54
5.5.1 Discussion of site performance 54
5.5.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 55
5.5.3 Evaluation of performance 55
5.5.4 Recommendations from the 2021-2022 Annual Report 56
5.5.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2023-2024 57
5.5.6 Recommendations 57
6 Summary of
assess the impacts of the reduced flow through the
residual flow reach, and the release of water through generation on water temperatures of the middle and
lower reaches of the river. The details of these sites are provided in Table 2 and Figure 5. As a result of
vandalism previously, the Rimu Street site was decommissioned and replaced with the Vickers Road Site,
approximately 2.5km downstream. Water temperatures were being obtained through a Sidelooker Acoustic
Doppler Current Profiler
Eliot Street outfall 49
Table 39 Summary of performance for Consent 4602-1 rock protection works along New Plymouth
foreshore 49
Table 40 Summary of performance for Consent 5160-2 stormwater outfall structure on New Plymouth
foreshore 50
Table 41 Summary of performance for Consent 5182-2 stormwater outfall structure on Ngamotu
Beach 50
Table 42 Summary of performance for Consent 6553-1 boat ramp at Back Beach 51
Table 43 Summary of performance for Consent 4583-2 Oakura River
Council 4-Dec-24 New consent To install a bore for public water supply purposes Land Use Consent Corner of Fookes Street and Mangatangi Road,
24-11342-1.0 11348-1.0 South Taranaki District Council 4-Dec-24 New consent To take and use groundwater from a bore during pump-testing Water Permit Corner of Fookes Street and Mangatangi Road,
24-07089-2.0 7089-2.0 Ferndene Group Limited 5-Dec-24 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge cleanfill onto
Freshwater recreation survey 2019-2020