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Regional Transport agenda September 2018

Duynhoven (New Plymouth District Council) Mayor N Volzke (Stratford District Council) Mayor R Dunlop (South Taranaki District Council) Ms P McLean (NZ Transport Agency) Apologies Notification of Late Items Deputation A deputation will be made to the Regional Transport Committee from Mr Darryl MacDonald, Amber and Black Quality Cars, on the matter of accidents at the SH3 Northgate/Watson Street intersection, New Plymouth. Item Page Subject Item 1 4 Confirmation of


Transport Programme Capital Programme Vickers to City: We have started piling at Te Henui and Waiwhakaiho, service relocation at Mangorei Road and earthworks to widen the highway between Waiwaka Terrace and Devon Street East. We’ve also changed road layout at Devon Street East including a temporary lane for emergency services so they can get through quickly. The Waiwhakaiho Bridge is due for completion in June and the Te Henui in September; and the project completion is estimated at

Stock Truck Effluent Strategy

................................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix III .................................................................................................................................. 55 page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document is entitled ‘Regional Stock Truck Effluent Disposal Strategy for Taranaki’ (this Strategy). The purpose of this Strategy is to set out the strategic and planning framework for avoiding or minimising stock truck effluent discharges onto roads in the Taranaki region.

Council meeting agenda June 2021

Joint Committee Minutes 31 6. July and August 2021 Meeting Dates 52 7. Change of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Representative on the Regional Transport Committee 53 8. Approval of the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027 56 9. Representation Review for the 2022 Local Authority Elections 177 10. Public Excluded 287 11. Public Excluded Consents and Regulatory Minutes 288 12. Public Excluded Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes 291 Ordinary Meeting -

Regional Transport Committee Agenda 3 March 2021

confirmed. 6.4 Credit was given to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency team who are working on the Mt Messenger project. They have continued to be persistent in getting good information and have pushed through to get the project up and running. It was suggested this be communicated appropriately with the team. 6.5 Mayor P Nixon, South Taranaki District Council, expressed his gratitude regarding the Innovating Streets programme. South Taranaki have two towns on State Highway 3, Eltham and

Southlink Coastal Timetable OCT 2023

of Taranaki Regional Council 2x Daily Tuesday, Thursday & Friday SCAN TO DOWNLOAD APP AMŌpunake to New Plymouth Bus stop, Napier St Plunket Rooms Opposite Town Hall Carthew St. (opp. Sinclair’s) Oākura Hall Liardet Street Egmont Street 6.50 7.03 7.08 7.20 7.30 7.52 7.55 Ōpunake Rahotu Pungarehu Okato Oākura New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth to Ōpunake New Plymouth

STDC Kaponga, Manaia, Patea and Waverley WWTPs Monitoring Programme 2021-2022

environment monitoring 49 5.3.1 Low flow receiving water survey of January 2022 50 5.3.2 Biological monitoring survey 53 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 55 Discussion 56 5.5.1 Discussion of site performance 56 5.5.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 56 5.5.3 Evaluation of performance 57 5.5.4 Recommendations from the 2020-2021 Annual Report 58 5.5.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2022-2023 58 5.5.6 Recommendations 59 6 Summary

Civil Defence Emergency Management Joint Committee March 2025

Defence Emergency Management Joint Committee held at the Stratford District Council, 63 Miranda Street Stratford on 5 September 2024, have been circulated to the New Plymouth District Council, Stratford District Council and the South Taranaki District Council for their receipt and information. Volzke/Cloke Civil Defence Emergency Management - Joint Committee - Confirmation of CDEM - Joint Committee Minutes - 5 December 2024 5 page 2. Receipt of CDEM –

Public Transport Service Tendering and Contracting Manual

Formation and execution of contracts 51 28.2 Notification of Tender outcome 51 28.3 29. Tender conditions 52 General conditions 52 29.1 Errors and omissions 52 29.2 Tender confidentiality 53 29.3 Ownership of RFT documentation 53 29.4 Costs 53 29.5 Liability limitation 53 29.6 Appendix 54 Appendix I: Annual business development plan form 56 Schedule: Tender forms 58 Schedule A1: Mandatory information checklist 61 Schedule A2: Service provider details 62 Schedule A3: