Delegations 18 July 2023
Non-notified authorisations issued by the Taranaki Regional Council
between 15 May 2023 and 25 June 2023
R2/11033-1.1 Commencement Date: 19 Jun 2023
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Expiry Date: 01 Jun 2033
Review Dates: 01 June 2023, 01 June 2024,
01 June 2027
Activity Class: Discretionary
Location: SH3/Princess Street intersection and
Manukorihi Park
Application Purpose: Change
To discharge stormwater &
consents 17
Coastal permits 17
1.4 Monitoring programme 32
Introduction 32
Programme liaison and management 32
Site inspections 32
2 Results 33
2.1 Tongaporutu 33
2.2 Urenui Beach 33
2.3 Onaero 37
2.4 Waitara 38
2.5 Bell Block 40
2.6 Waiwhakaiho 42
2.7 Fitzroy and East End 44
2.8 New Plymouth City 49
2.9 Back Beach 51
2.10 Oakura 51
2.11 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 53
3 Discussion 54
3.1 Environmental effects of
hearing from you.
Ngā mihi | Kind regards,
Zoe Anderson she/her | Planner
BUrbPlan(Hons), MNZPI
Tonkin + Taylor - Together we create and sustain a better world
1 Fanshawe Street, Auckland | PO Box 5271, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
M: +6495298109
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Version: 1, Version Date: 01/05/2024
Document Set ID: 9244794
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Print Date:
5 Waverley WWTP and stock truck wastes disposal 47
5.1 Inspections 47
5.2 Results of effluent monitoring 48
5.2.1 Dissolved oxygen levels 49
5.2.2 Microfloral component 50
5.3 Results of receiving environment monitoring 50
5.3.1 Low flow receiving water survey of January 2019 51
5.4 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 53
5.5 Discussion 53
5.5.1 Discussion of site performance 53
5.5.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 53
the environment from the exercise of this consent, including by avoiding as far
as practicable adverse effects on the Victoria Street Key Native Ecosystem.
4. Ingram’s Contracting of Hawera, Fulton Hogan, and South Taranaki District Council
shall be the only suppliers of the domestic green waste for discharge. No other external
sources of domestic green waste are permitted to discharge at the site.
5. The maximum volume of waste discharged to land at the site shall not exceed:
widening of Manaia Road.
SB - Project to be created for the sealing of Junction Rd.
Further to NPDCs submission on the draft revised RLTP - Cook Street work
needs to be included in the RLTPs ‘wish list’ for future consideration. JB to
CW - Airport Drive project needs several boxes to be ticked in TIO.
Officer’s Report: 8 Submissions were received, with 2 submitters speaking in
support of their submission at the Hearing of Submissions (RTC meeting 13 June).
Consents & Regulatory Committee agenda February 2021
Organisation (if applicable)
4c Antonio Street
Daytime phone number
Email address
Do you wish to present your submission in person at a Council hearing? (Hearing date
is yet to be determined.)
Your submission on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan for Taranaki:
Sicamore tree should be classed as a pest tree.
Also Old Mans Beard needs to be controlled in town as well as in the country and
Policy & Planning Committee agenda July 2019