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TRC Regional Speed Management Plan Introduction and framework draft RTC consideration

page FRODO-#3149042-v1-RSMP_2024_introduction_and_framework_draft_for_RTC_consideration as at 20/2/2023 Regional Speed Management Plan for Taranaki 2024 Introduction From the busy streets of our urban hubs to the expanses of rural roads in the eastern hill country, our roading network in Taranaki is diverse and dynamic. This Regional Speed Management Plan (RSMP) is about finding ways to make every road in our region as safe as possible reflecting road

Regional Transport agenda March 2019

Taranaki: Mid- term Review 2018/19-2020/21 (RLTP or the Plan), by adding new projects:  From the NZ Transport Agency to add a new project, ‘Taranaki State Highway LED Street Lighting Upgrade’  From the New Plymouth District Council to add a new project, ‘Coastal Pathway Extension from Bell Block to Waitara’ Both these requests have received support from the Regional Transport Advisory Group, and are now brought before the Committee for consideration. Neither of these requests are

Annual report 2015-2016

page 17 Table 5 Norovirus concentration in the effluent and influent at the NPWWTP Operation Date Norovirus GI (genome copies/L) Norovirus GII (genome copies/L) Influent Effluent Reduction factor Influent Effluent Reduction factor Pre-upgrade 9 October 2012 280,000 100 2,800 470,000 13,000 36 Pre-upgrade 16 October 2012 37,000 180 206 1,600,000 30,000 53 Pre-upgrade 23 October 2012 17,000 460 37 28,000,000 21,000 1,333 Upgrade 31 July 2013

Citylink Christmas parade bus timetables 28 November 2020

page Route 1 - Moturoa Depart Ariki Street Moturoa shops Moturoa School Ngamotu Dairy Moturoa shops Arrive Ariki Street Route 2 - Whalers Gate Route 3 - Lynmouth/Marfell Route 4 - Westown/Hurdon Route 6 - Vogeltown/Brooklands – 11.34 am 11.37 am 11.42 am 11.48 am 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.04 pm 12.07 am 12.12 pm 12.18 pm 12.30 pm 2.30 pm 2.34 pm 2.37 pm 2.42 pm 2.48 pm 3.00 pm 3.05 pm 3.09 pm 3.12 pm 3.17 pm 3.23 pm – Depart Ariki Street Blagdon Road …

Applications received 2 October to 8 October 2023

81 – 87 Carthew Street and 2333 South Road (State Highway 45), Ōkato Kaihihi 23-11165-1.0 R2/11166-1.0 Taranaki Iwi Holdings Limited Partnership 4-Oct-23 New consent To construct an artificial wetland in the bed of a stream Land Use Consent 81 – 87 Carthew Street and 2333 South Road (State Highway 45), Ōkato Kaihihi

Annual report 2015-2016

3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2016-2017 52 4. Recommendations 53 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 54 Bibliography and references 55 Appendix I Resource consents held by NPDC page List of tables Table 1 Summary of coastal structure permits held by NPDC 17 Table 2 Bench mark data for Urenui survey sites 6 Table 3 Summary of performance for Consent 4004-3 boat ramp at Tongaporutu 32 Table 4 Summary of performance for Consent

Submitters Statement of Evidence Brent Dodunski

route, including roundabouts for the high-risk intersections, other intersection improvements, median barrier, wide centrelines and rumble strips. Following the commitment of additional funding for the project in July this year, we are aiming to start construction of the Princess Street Roundabout this summer. Background In 2018, we engaged with the community, transport representatives, emergency services and councils to investigate safety improvements for SH3 between Waitara and Bell

NPDC informal s92 Response Weld Road

page Tonkin & Taylor Ltd | 1 Fanshawe St, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010, New Zealand PO Box 5271, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 P +64-9-355 6000 F +64-9-307 0265 E 11 March 2024 Job No: 1017346.3000 New Plymouth District Council Private Bag 2025 84 Liardet Street New Plymouth 4340 Attention: Nicola Laurenson Dear Nicola Weld Road Pathway and Ahu Ahu Bridge New Plymouth District Council Informal Section 92 response (LUC23/48354)

Taranaki tsunami inundation analysis

Walkway page Pu ke aru he Ro ad Waikaramarama Road Stirling Street Gregory Street Page StreetRotter Street Gil be rt R oa d White Cliff BayBoyd Street Messe nger Stree t 5 6 4 Sourced from the LINZ Data Service and licensed for re-use under the 0 1,000500 Meters ¯ LIMITATIONS AND COPYRIGHT This map may not be reproduced or transmitted to any other party, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or