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Fonterra Kapuni Annual Report 2022-2023

results from 1997 to date 123 Table 49 Incidents, investigations, and interventions summary table 125 Table 50 Summary of performance for Consent 0302-3 133 Table 51 Summary of performance for Consent 0919-3 134 Table 52 Summary of performance for agreed monitoring additional to consent 0919-3 135 Table 53 Summary of performance for Consent 0920-3 135 Table 54 Summary of performance for Consent 0921-3 136 Table 55 Summary of performance for Consent 0922-3.2 136 Table 56

Weather study unit

Everett Park Inglewood 10 109 58 74 694 74 68 Kaka Road Okoki 8 87 46 55 672 69 54 Mangaoapa Road Purangi 10 85 43 63 552 58 52 Pohokura Saddle Pohokura 10 75 45 55 561 65 53 Duffy’s Farm Hawera 11 46 40 37 370 65 74 Punehu* Pihama 10 97 91 83 470 87 91 Durham Street Patea 10 61 51 46 498 70 69 Waitotara Waitotara Valley 11 92 63 50 502 72 70 Note: * = NIWA station Table 2Table 2Table 2Table 2 Rivers Recorded height (m) Maximum Minimum Mean River and site

Regional Transport agenda September 2020

projects of significance in the region. 11.2 COVID-19 had a significant impact on the highway roading projects in Taranaki. The teams have worked hard to get back up and running. 11.3 Version 1.1 of Arataki is out now and NZTA are working on Version 2. It is great to get input from the regions and Councils. 11.4 The transport performance and investment reports are due out in June. 11.5 The Innovating Streets Pilot Fund is now open for the second round of submissions. This fund is

New Plymouth Housing Devp Capacity Assessment 2021 04 March 2022

.............................................................................................................. 50 6 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 52 Appendix 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix 3

Trustpower Mangorei hydro consent monitoring 2017-2018

was exceeded, 1 July 2017 – 1 July 2018, 9 am to 5 pm only 14 Figure 6 Flow variation in the Waiwhakaiho River at Rimu Street as a result of generation at the Mangorei Power Station 15 Figure 7 Water temperature monitoring sites (W1, W5, W7) in the lower Waiwhakaiho River catchment 17 Figure 8 Waiwhakaiho River water temperature data collected at Egmont Village, Hydro Road and Rimu Street (2017-2018) 19 Figure 9 Average daily water temperature at three sites in the Waiwhakaiho

Stadium strategic plan

upgrade for No.1. TSB Stand Legends Lounge Sound proof partitions, upgrade toilets, b a r s , k i t c h e n , c e i l i n g , l i g h t s a n d m e m o r a b i l i a s p a c e . Est. $400,000 2023 / 24 TIMING OF PROJECTS NOT DETERMINED Maratahu Street Streetscape/premier entrance development. Est. $468,000 A A A B C C C D I E J F E E D G H G G I H J F B B External funding will be sought for

Yarrow Stadium Strategic Plan 2015

upgrade for No.1. TSB Stand Legends Lounge Sound proof partitions, upgrade toilets, b a r s , k i t c h e n , c e i l i n g , l i g h t s a n d m e m o r a b i l i a s p a c e . Est. $400,000 2023 / 24 TIMING OF PROJECTS NOT DETERMINED Maratahu Street Streetscape/premier entrance development. Est. $468,000 A A A B C C C D I E J F E E D G H G G I H J F B B External funding will be sought for

Application Appendix K Proposed Consent Conditions 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

for hydro-electricity generation purposes from the Waiwhakaiho River Rule 16 and 20 Discretionary The use and maintenance of an existing diversion weir and fish pass (including the removal of gravel, boulders and debris) in the Waiwhakaiho River Rule 52 (use) Rule 53 (maintenance) Rule 72 (bed disturbance) Permitted Permitted Discretionary Discharge of water over the existing diversion weir in the Waiwhakaiho River Rule 21

Coastal Plan submissions M-R

page MANIAPOTO MĀORI TRUST BOARD 49 Taupiri Street 07 878 6234 PO Box 36 Fax 07 878 6409 TE KUITI 1 27 April 2018 Coastal Plan Review Project Team Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 Tēnā koutou katoa, A muri kia