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Weather-related hazards

(or 1%) chance of such a flood occurring in a given year. Two 100-year floods could occur a year apart or even a month apart, depending on rainfall. As this went to press, 90%State of the Environment Report of the Council’s three-year, $3.3 million upgrade was nearing completion, on time and within budget. This work included: • raising the earthen stopbanks upstream of the Town Bridge to Browne Street • raising the stopbanks on the east side of the river between

Nomination Form 2022

file://///apollo/BLISS$/ file://///apollo/BLISS$/ page NOMINEE DETAILS Name of person (if applicable): Name of organisation (if applicable): Postal address: Street name / PO Box: Town: Postcode: Phone number: Email: NOMINATOR DETAILS Name of person completing application (if applicable): Name of group or organisation: Position within group or organisation: Postal address: Street name / PO Box: Town:

Amenity values

Bike Wise’s ‘NZ’s Favourite Places to Cycle’ competition: Coastal Walkway was voted third. 2012 Living Streets Aotearoa’s Best Walking Facility Award for the Coastal Walkway extension to Bell Block, including Te Rewa Rewa Bridge. 2011 New Zealand Recreation Association’s Outstanding Project Award to the Coastal Walkway extension. page 1442647 MB Final Draft. 203 Heritage and place 2011 Roading NZ Excellence Awards Supreme Award and Minor Road Project category for the

web ForestAndBird appeal

NZ Joshua K O'Rourke 5 Willeston St, Wellington 38. Nigel Cliffe 276 Wataroa Road, Pungarehu, Taranaki 39. Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Sonya Hetet 49 Taupiri Street, Te Kuiti 3910 40. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Paul Cummings 6 Ngakoti Street, Urenui 4349 41. Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust Louise Tester 147 High Street, Hawera, 4610 42. Ngati Rahiri Keith

Annual report 2016-2017

variation in the Waiwhakaiho River at Rimu Street as a result of generation at the Mangorei Power Station 15 Figure 7 Water temperature monitoring sites (W1, W5, W7) in the lower Waiwhakaiho River catchment 17 Figure 8 Waiwhakaiho River water temperature data collected at Egmont Village, Hydro Road and Rimu Street 19 Figure 9 Average daily water temperature at three sites in the Waiwhakaiho River for the monitoring period, compared with historical data 20 Figure 10 Exceedance time

Land Transport Plan monitoring report 2016-2017

organisation below. 4.1 New Plymouth District Council Maintenance, Operations and Renewals NPDC had a busy year and achieved 92% expenditure in its maintenance operations and renewals programme for the year. We resurfaced 42 km of roads for $2.3 million as part of those works. The wet summer resulted in less resealing being achieved than programmed, which is being caught up on in the 2017/18 resealing programme. The programmed rehabilitations were completed on Devon Street East and

Introduction and explanation of the regional rules updated Oct 2023

Restricted Discretionary Prohibited Prohibited Discretionary 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 56 56 56 57 58 58 59 60 60 60 page 25 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki CATEGORY RULE NUMBER AND TITLE CLASSIFICATION PAGE Rule 24 Air cooled heat exchanges


Agenda for Taranaki Regional Transport Committee 17 June 2015