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Annual report 2016-2017

Ratio None 18 1.52608 1.22481 Total Soluble Salts mg/kg 2,500 390.5 306.8 TR Arsenic mg/kg dry wt 17 < 2 3 TR Cadmium mg/kg dry wt 0.8 < 0.10 0.11 TR Chromium mg/kg dry wt 600 13 16 page 17 Soil sampling Site SOL000187 SOL000187 Collected 15-Mar-17 15-Mar-17 Parameter Time Consent limit 5956-2.0 8:30 9:15 TR Copper mg/kg dry wt 100 37 53 TR Mercury mg/kg dry wt 1 < 0.10 < 0.10 TR Nickel mg/kg dry wt 60 7 6 TR Lead mg/kg dry wt 160 5.3

Coastal erosion information: inventory & recommendations for monitoring

information gathering 46 3.5 Stony River to Cape Egmont 47 a. Description of the area 48 b. Assets, pressures and coastal protection 48 c. Existing estimations of coastal erosion 49 d. Recommendations for further information gathering 49 3.6 Cape Egmont to Mangahume Stream (south-east of Opunake) 51 a. Description of the area 52 b. Assets, pressures and coastal protection 52 c. Existing estimations of coastal erosion 53 d. Recommendations for further information gathering 53 3.7

Trustpower Mangorei HEP Annual Report 2020 2021

with white being mid-range temperature relative to data set. 21 Table 8 Difference in mean hourly water temperature (˚C) data for January 2021 between Rimu Street and Hydro Road. Positive values represent hotter temperatures at Rimu Street. Red represents hotter temperatures at Hydro Road. Green represents occasions where the mean temperature difference for a selected hour is higher throughout the month at the Hydro Road Site 22 Table 9 Numbers of adult eels transferred at the Mangorei

Trustpower Mangorei consent monitoring 2020-2021

with white being mid-range temperature relative to data set. 21 Table 8 Difference in mean hourly water temperature (˚C) data for January 2021 between Rimu Street and Hydro Road. Positive values represent hotter temperatures at Rimu Street. Red represents hotter temperatures at Hydro Road. Green represents occasions where the mean temperature difference for a selected hour is higher throughout the month at the Hydro Road Site 22 Table 9 Numbers of adult eels transferred at the Mangorei

Council meeting agenda April 2019

Catchment Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. 2. receives the 39 Fonterra Whareroa Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017- 2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. 3. receives the 47 Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Kapuni) Ltd Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. 4. receives the 53 Vector Kapuni GTP Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017- 2018 and adopts the specific

Land Transport Plan monitoring report 2017-2018

were completed through Fitzroy on Devon Street East and on Inland North Road and Manutahi Roads. There is still one site remaining for repair from the significant flood event of 19-20 June 2015 i.e. the box culvert replacement on Otaraoa Road at Tikorangi Road which has been designed and consented and set for completion early in 18/19. Minor Improvements The funds in this category were well spent on a variety of projects throughout the district. A section of

Regional Quarry Combined Biennial Report Southern Quarries 2022-2024

page iii Alterations and recommendations for 2024-2026 49 G & G Holdings Ltd – Bird Road 13th Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2022-2024 50 Introduction 50 Resource consents 51 Compliance monitoring programme 51 Environmental and administrative performance summary 51 Alterations and recommendations for 2024-2026 52 Vickers Quarries Ltd- York Road 22nd Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2020-2022 53 Introduction 53 Resource consents 54 Compliance

Regional Transport minutes June 2020

projects in Taranaki. The teams have worked hard to get back up and running. 11.3 Version 1.1 of Arataki is out now and NZTA are working on Version 2. It is great to get input from the regions and Councils. 11.4 The transport performance and investment reports are due out in June. 11.5 The Innovating Streets Pilot Fund is now open for the second round of submissions. This fund is for temporary projects not permanent. 11.6 NZTA are looking to provide more guidance and case studies as …

Remediation Hearing Taranaki Energy Watch Legal Submission

Richard Allen Law Unit 1, 26 Putiki Street Grey Lynn PO Box 78326 AUCKLAND E: Barrister acting R G Haazen Barrister Magdalene Chambers Level 1 , 28 Customs Street Auckland CBO e: page " \ INTRODUCTION 1. Taranaki Energy Watch (TEW) is an energy watchdog operating in Taranaki for over 20 years. TEW has submitted on numerous plans and resource consents where issues of health and safety are involved.