further clarification being provided by the New Plymouth District
Council on depreciation queries.
5. Robe Street Building Purchase
5.1 The memorandum presenting information about the Emergency Management Facility
located at 45 Robe Street, New Plymouth, its current use, facility development needs
and the option of purchase was received and discussed.
5.2 It was noted that approval for the sale of the facility, currently owned by the Taranaki
Regional Council,
via intermediate towns
Saturday Timetable – December 2018
Opunake Napier St (opposite TSB) 9.00 am
Manaia South Rd (Public Pool) 9.20
Hawera i-SITE 9.35
Normanby Total Aluminium 9.45
Eltham Bath Street 9.55
Stratford Health Centre 10.04
Miranda St 10.09
Midhirst Jamieson Recovery 10.14
Inglewood Moa St 10.30
Egmont Village Old dairy 10.35
New Plymouth Liardet Street 10.45
Egmont St
Waiwhakaiho River at Rimu Street as a result of generation at the
Mangorei Power Station 17
Figure 9 Water temperature monitoring sites (W1, W5, and W7) in the lower Waiwhakaiho River
catchment 19
Figure 10 Waiwhakaiho River water temperature data collected at Egmont Village, Hydro Road and Rimu
Street (2018-2019) 21
Figure 11 Average daily water temperature at three sites in the Waiwhakaiho River for the monitoring
period, compared with historical data 22
Figure 12 Exceedance time for
2544 Skeet Road, RD 28, Hawera 9-Jun-22
4120 KL Jupp and WJ de Vries 1056 Otaraoa Road, RD 43, Waitara 13-Jun-22
4121 Landon Elder T/A George's Moturoa 1 Squire Place, New Plymouth 13-Jun-22
4122 Top Stitch Branding Solutions Limited 320 Devon Street East, New Plymouth 13-Jun-22
4123 R & R Edwards Whanau Trust 534A Manawapou Road, RD 12, Hawera 16-Jun-22
4125 Dwyer Farms Limited 339B South Road, RD 12, Hawera 17-Jun-22
4126 Crowley, Keith 980 Okoki Road, Okoki 20-Jun-22
Petrochem Ltd Kowhai-D hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report 2017-2018
1. receives the memorandum, Requests to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan for
Taranaki: Mid-term Review 2018/19-2020/21
2. agrees to the requested variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki: Mid-
term Review 2018/19-2020/21, made by the New Zealand Transport Agency, to add a
new project ‘Taranaki State Highway LED Street Lighting Upgrade’
3. agrees to the requested variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki: Mid-
term Review 2018/19-2020/21, made by
Resource Management Act 1991
a resource consent is hereby granted by the
Taranaki Regional Council
Name of
Consent Holder:
Cold Creek Community Water Supply Limited
2 Havelock Street
Opunake 4616
Decision Date
3 December 2015
Commencement Date
14 January 2016 (Granted Date: 10 July 2013)
Conditions of Consent
Consent Granted: To take water from Cold Stream to supply the Cold Creek
completion includes:
Ÿ Raising the height of the stopbanks by one
to 1.5 metres on the town side of the river
upstream of the Town Bridge to Browne
Ÿ Raising the stopbanks on the east side of
the river between the Town Bridge and
High Street East.
Ÿ Raising the height of the stopbank by about
a metre on the town side alongside Queen
Street from the NPDC pumping station to
the northern end of Domett Street.
Ÿ Constructing a flood wall alongside the
41 3.2
3.2.1 Mokau Road, Uruti 41
3.2.2 Pennington Road and Waitara Road sites 43
Evaluation of performance 43 3.3
Recommendations from the 2013-2014 Annual Report 49 3.4
Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2015-2016 50 3.5
Exercise of optional review of consent 50 3.6
3.6.1 Consent 5839 50
3.6.2 Consent 5838 51
4. Recommendations 52
Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 53
Bibliography and references 55
Appendix I Resource consents held by
currently in operation in New
Plymouth and the way some schools use ‘walking
school buses’ to transport students to and from
their schools.
to school
New Plymouth’s Bus Centre in Ariki Street
is in the heart of the city. Its central location
enables passengers from most areas to
have easy access to city shops and
other features.
S I T E M AY 2013 I S S U E N O.65
Learn more about our bus transport system.
This new unit is coming soon and has