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TRC Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki

anticipated ............................................................................................. 53 Issue: Adverse effects on surface water quality from the discharge of contaminants from point sources ...........................................................................................54 Objective ...............................................................................................................................................54 Policies


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting October 2017.

Draft Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki - summary for consultation

Traffic signals at the intersection of Vivian Street and Morley Street (SH45), New Plymouth. Traffic signals at the SH3-Henwood Road interchange at Bell Block. 6. Brecon Road Extension, Stratford. When this list is finalised, it will be presented to the Government for inclusion in the next funding round. Are the projects in the right order? Are there any missing from the list? Let us know. Go to and make a submission. Find out more about our proposed

web NZTAUpdateSept2019

page • GPS 2018 supports investment in liveable cities by improving walking, cycling and public transport and by increasing transport choice. • We want to support towns and cities to make changes quickly and cost effectively, using innovative techniques to reduce vehicle speeds and create more space for people. We’ll improve the support and advice we offer to help councils deliver: • temporary physical changes to streets • improvements that are in advance of a permanent fix

R32 Schoolbus BellBlock April2023 w

PLYMOUTH WAITARA ŌAKURA FREE Travel for children under 5 years (any time), and WITT students (ID must be presented). Adult /Child (5-18) $2Single zone $3Cash Single zone Per extra zone $1 Fare Zones Current March 2023 KEY i-Site Route Direction - AM Route Direction - PM Mangati Rd Parklands Ave Nugent Street NPGHS 7.55 7.57 8.00 8.10 AM Vogeltown School Highlands Int. NPGHS Mangati/Sunnyvale 3.08 3.20 3.27

Appendix 10D: Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi

of Part 4 this statutory acknowledgement does not have the effect of granting, creating, or providing evidence of an estate or interest in, or rights relating to the Nukumaru Recreation Reserve. Crown not precluded from granting other statutory acknowledgement Under section 53 the Crown is not precluded from providing a statutory acknowledgement to persons other than Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi or the governance entity with respect of the Nukumaru Recreation Reserve. 2.2

2RemediationAEE revised

.................................................................................................................................................. 52 • 8 .............................................................................................................................................. SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................. 53 • 9 ............................................................................................................................................ APPENDICES

Rules 46-54: Discharges from aquaculture or intensive farming

Appendix V of the Plan at the time this Plan became operative, or the time the activity was first established43, whichever was the earlier, who have not otherwise given written approval for the activity h) Payment of administrative charges i) Payment of financial contributions Discharges of contaminants to air from new intensive poultry farms where more than 30,000 poultry are kept at any one time 53 New large intensive poultry farming processes a) Any discharge of

Annual report 2015-2016

2016-2017 52 3.6 Exercise of optional review of consent 52 4. Recommendations 53 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 54 Bibliography and references 56 Appendix I Resource consents held by ANZCO Eltham Ltd Appendix II ANZCO discharge monitoring data 2015-2016 61 Appendix II: ANZCO monitoring data on effluent composition, 2015-2016 63 Appendix III Hydrograph for Waingongoro River at Eltham Road 65 Appendix IV ANZCO Eltham Limited Water Use Annual Report