Report 2013-2015
Todd Energy Mangahewa-C hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Todd Energy Mangahewa-C hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Maratahu Street Streetscape/premier entrance development. Timing of projects not determined Redevelop field No. 2 with an artificial turf and 500 lux appropriate floodlighting, including carpark, driveway and staff car parks. Develop new amenity facilities to service fields 2, 3 and 4 and storage and gym relocation. 11. Whilst all these projects were included in the asset management plans, it was noted that the current levels of funding were insufficient to address all of the
new Yarrow Stand amenities/corporate block is not built. 2023/2024 Maratahu Street Streetscape/premier entrance development. Timing of projects not determined Redevelop field No. 2 with an artificial turf and 500 lux appropriate floodlighting, including carpark, driveway and staff car parks. Develop new amenity facilities to service fields 2, 3 and 4 and storage and gym relocation. 11. Whilst all these projects were included in the asset management plans, it was
anticipated ............................................................................................. 53 Issue: Adverse effects on surface water quality from the discharge of contaminants from point sources ...........................................................................................54 Objective ...............................................................................................................................................54 Policies
Effects on Māori 47 Effects on the environment 47 Effects on overseas marketing of New Zealand products 47 Powers conferred 51 Powers of authorised persons under Part 6 of the Act 51 Powers under other sections of the Act 51 Power to issue exemptions to plan rules 51 Monitoring 53 Measuring what the objectives are achieving 53 Monitoring the management agency’s performance 53 Monitoring plan effectiveness 53 Monitoring other effects of this Plan
Effects on Māori 47 Effects on the environment 47 Effects on overseas marketing of New Zealand products 47 Powers conferred 51 Powers of authorised persons under Part 6 of the Act 51 Powers under other sections of the Act 51 Power to issue exemptions to plan rules 51 Monitoring 53 Measuring what the objectives are achieving 53 Monitoring the management agency’s performance 53 Monitoring plan effectiveness 53 Monitoring other effects of this Plan
1732451E-5684624N and 1732056E- 5684927N STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF Colin Kay DATED 09 March 2021 Environmental Consultancy: Landpro Limited 57 Vivian Street New Plymouth 9342 Attention: Kathryn Hooper Tel: 027 759 2044 Email: page 25450739 2 Introduction 1. My name is Colin Kay. I am an Agricultural Consultant trading as Kay Consulting Ltd 2. I have the following relevant qualifications: a. Bachelor of
who spoke in support of their submission to the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2015/16-2020/21: Mid-term review for the 2018/19-20/21 period. The Committee endorsed the Cook Street to Banks Street (New Plymouth) connector road project noting the benefits of improved vehicle, walking and cycling access and community safety and residential development. 1. approves the recommendations contained in the Mid-Term (2018) review of the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki
Council e) notes that all rates set are inclusive of GST f) appoints the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and the South Taranaki District Council, pursuant to section 53 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, to collect the rates set by the Taranaki Regional Council g) delegates to the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and the South Taranaki District Council the power to postpone and remit rates pursuant to the relevant
Site description 51 4.3.2 Results 51 Inspections 51 Results of discharge monitoring 51 4.3.3 Evaluation of performance 51 4.4 Seaport Land Company Ltd 53 4.4.1 Site description 53 4.4.2 Results 53 Inspections 53 Results of discharge monitoring 53 4.4.3 Evaluation of performance 54 4.5 Discussion 55 4.5.1 Discussion of site performance 55 4.5.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 55 4.5.3 Evaluation of