Street West and
Queen Street, the iconic White Hart Hotel is a good example
of how a seriously decaying heritage building can be restored
to its former glory.
Built in 1886, the traditional Victorian building declined into
serious deterioration in the second half of last century, and
at one stage it looked likely that parts of it would be
demolished. Although listed as a Heritage New Zealand
Category 1 building, restoration costs seemed prohibitive.
But in 2005 the
Bayly Rd detailed site investigation 2016 (for Ngati Te Whiti).
Waingongoro (Eltham) 14 36 56 9 39 42 45 7
Waiokura (No.3 Fairway) 0 53 66 4 6 32 55 7
Waiongana (SH3A) 17 16 49 3 53 26 31 1
Waitara (Bertrand Rd) 44 6 19 24 70 15 12 2
Waiwhakaiho (SH3) 22 28 42 5 40 38 35 12
Whenuakura (Nicholson
2 9 34 41 38 8 9 0
Stony (Okato) 27 29 32 6 31 38 29 15
Kapuni (SH45) 6 55 37 8 17 41 43 21
Tawhiti (Duffys) 17 22 60 12 54 37 8 2
Figure 14: Habitat (as a percentage of river width) versus 7-d MALF (m3/s) for adult brown
4.9 Oakura Beach SC (opposite surf lifesaving club) 45
4.9.1 SEM programme 45
4.9.2 Compliance with guidelines 47
4.9.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 48
4.9.4 Long-term trend analysis 48
4.9.5 MfE guidelines additional sampling 49
4.10 Oakura Beach CG (opposite camp ground) 51
4.10.1 SEM programme 51
4.10.2 Compliance with guidelines 53
4.10.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 53
4.10.4 Long-term trend analysis 54
4.11 Opunake Beach 55
4.11.1 SEM programme 55
1 Clause 6 – Floodways
Amend Decline
The submitter opposes clause 6.1.
The submitter has a number of services located over and under floodways,
which do not affect the ability of the floodway to function. In some
situations, services are placed on road bridges (e.g. the North Street Bridge
crossing the Waitara River - Map 2c) which would require an authority
under clause 6.1(d).
The submitter seeks the following amendment:
6.1 No person, except Network Utility
Pest Pathways into Taranaki - June 2020
Ntnl Park (North) 22 740.0 104 3019.5 97 43 Nov 1990
Dawson Falls Ntnl Park (South) 18 595.5 96 2884.5 105 49 Feb 1933
Kahui Hut Ntnl Park (West) 20 588.5 98 2431.5 101 46 Nov 2005
Mangorei Upper Near bushline 17 443.5 - 1904.5 - - Feb 2017
Hillsborough 16 153.0 89 921.5 107 53 Feb 2012
Brooklands New Plymouth 16 145.0 92 799.8 100 50 Jan 1872
Mangati Bell Block 16 143.6 97 794.6 106 54 Oct 2012
Weston's Farm Motunui 15 139.4 83 783.0 103 49 Feb 1998
that does not comply with the standard above,
Rule 54 applies:
Discharges of contaminants to air from intensive poultry
farming, where;
the discharge is not listed in Rules 51, 52 or 53 or does
not meet the conditions in Rule 51, Rule 52 or Rule 53
16 Therefore the question of whether the application is appropriately addressed under
Rule 52 or Rule 54 turns on whether the nature and scale of the effects are
unchanged from the existing consented effects.
17 It is well-established
STOS deep well injection consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.