Management Act Surveys of Local Authorities are carried out biennially. Results of
those surveys provide a comprehensive description of compliance activity. The most recent
survey shows that 47 per cent of compliance is achieved through formal means and 53 per cent
through informal means. Prosecutions represent one per cent of all action taken.
This report provides an analysis of the judgments and sentencing outcomes of 429 prosecutions
under the Resource Management Act 1991, between 1 July 2008
Invercargill City Council $10,000.00 Requires input into TIO by
15 July 2018
Total 19/20 Local Roads $500,000.00
2020/21 Install half arm barriers Timaru District Council Arundel Belfield Rd MSL 138.11KM $240,000.00 Requires input into TIO by
15 July 2018
2020/21 Install half arm barriers Invercargill City Council Lake Street Bluff Line 4.46km $240,000.00 Requires input into TIO by
15 July 2018
2020/21 Level Crossing Safety Impact
Grey District Council Lake
Consents & Regulatory Committee agenda June 2021
CDEM Joint Committee Agenda June 2024
Kaupokonui Catchment 52 Discharges to the Motumate Stream 52 Spray irrigation of wastewater 53 Riparian planting 54 Disposal of factory solid wastes 59 Bridges and culverts 59
2.1.3 Results of discharge monitoring 59 Physicochemical 59 Cooling water quality 59 Stormwater quality 61
2.1.4 Receiving water (Kaupokonui Stream) quality 64
2.1.5 Groundwater quality 71 Farm 1
Zealand Transport Agency, to add a
new project ‘Taranaki State Highway LED Street Lighting Upgrade’
3. agrees to the requested variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki: Mid-
term Review 2018/19-2020/21, made by the New Plymouth District Council, to add a
new project ‘Coastal Pathway Extension from Bell Block to Waitara’
4. adopts these variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki: Mid-term
Review 2018/19-2020/21 and forwards them on to the NZ Transport
access to natural environment in the New
Plymouth District Council area
and high ratings on similar
measures within Stratford
and South Taranaki districts.
satisfied with
formal and informal
public access to
rivers, lakes and
coast in the region.
Councils continue to invest in developing
community facilities, for example the
Brougham Street shared space and the Len
Lye Centre in New Plymouth, the H weraā
Town Centre Revitalisation Strategy and
BUS PARKING PLAN - Devon Intermediate
3:22pm Bell Block 34
3:22pm Bell Block 33
4.00pm Orbiter 53
3:27pm Orbiter 52
3:20pm Waitara 21
3:24pm Merrilands 12
3:55pm Orbiter 51
3:40pm Oakura 43
3:44pm Omata 41
3:20pm Orbiter 54
................................................................................................................................................. 53
Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................................................................. 54
Next Steps ............................................................................................................................................ 55
Our Kaitiaki Role .................................................................................................................................. 56
BUS PARKING PLAN - Francis Douglas
3:17pm Bell Block 34
3:17pm Waitara 24
3:44pm Orbiter 51
3:17pm Orbiter 52
3:17pm Oakura 42
3:50pm Orbiter 53
3:15pm Merrilands 12
3:20pm 6001 Ingwd / Stfd / Elt
3:30pm Orbiter 54
3:17pm 3093