conditions were on average almost identical to long-term
medians, at the 57 representative sites. Eleven sites scored their highest MCI values ever
during the 2015-2016 monitoring period, while one site produced a new minimum score.
As is typical, summer scores were lower overall than spring scores in 2015-2016, but the
seasonal difference was similar to that in preceding years.
The updated trend analysis shows that at 46 of the 53 sites for which trends can be
determined (87%), MCI scores
4^ ifSS,,Regional Council
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number:
Completed on:
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter
Contact Name
Contact phone number
Postal Address:
Street address of property affected (if different to the address NA
The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the email address provided above.
15 Aug 2021
Nell Thomas Hibell and Lloma Faye Hibell
its northern boundary and is contained within a
triangular section of land bordered by Tukapa Street in the west and Frankley
Road in the east.
General description
The Frankley School Bush is essentially a semi-coastal forest remnant of around
3.5 hectares and is not too distant from the more substantial reserves at Barrett
Domain and Ratapihipihi. The forest consists of a varied range of discrete habitat
and vegetation types. These range from some low lying flatter areas, rolling and
levels. The depth of fill is unknown,
but judging by the current topography is perhaps 20 m or more deep in the deepest parts
of the upper two levels of the park. If so, the volume of landfill is expected to be at least
several hundred thousand cubic metres. The park is bounded by the remnants of the
gully walls which slope steeply up to Marfell School and residential properties on
Endeavour Street to the west and residential properties on Cook Street to the east.
The top
Contact Energy Stratford Power Station Annual Report 2023-2024
Gender % of respondents 2006 Census Results Taranaki
Male 47 49
Female 53 51
Age bracket % of respondents 2006 Census Results Taranaki
Under 20 24 29
20-24 1* 5
25-44 19* 26
45-64 30 25
Over 65 26 15
* See section 2.1.3 above. Note: ethnicity categories do not correlate completely. (see section 3.4.4). Nil response indicates
that catergory was not available in the survey or in the 2006 Census.
3.4.2 Age
The under 20 age
Trust Comment on application received
No specific comment about the proposal
Application lacks sufficient detail
R2/6743-2.0 Commencement Date: 29 Jul 2021
New Plymouth District Council
Expiry Date: 01 Jun 2038
Review Dates: Jun 2026, Jun 2032
Activity Class: Discretionary
Location: 60, 62 Miro Street & 1A Estate
Grove, Inglewood
Application Purpose: Replace
To use a culvert in an unnamed tributary of the Waionganaiti Stream for
summary for Oakura Beach SC 45
Table 49 Bacterial guidelines performance at Oakura Beach SC 46
Table 50 Summary enterococci data (cfu/100ml) for summer surveys at Oakura SC 46
Table 51 Bacteriological results for MfE samples at Oakura Beach SC 48
Table 52 Summary statistics for SEM and MfE samples at Oakura Beach SC 49
Table 53 Bacterial guidelines performance at Oakura Beach SC 49
Table 54 Bacteriological results for Oakura Beach CG 50
Table 55 Statistical results for
consent 5426-1 46
Table 42 Summary of performance for consent 4058-4 47
Table 43 Summary of performance for consent 3941-2 48
Table 44 Summary of performance for consent 5495-1 50
Table 45 Summary of performance for consent 6431-1 51
Table 46 Summary of performance for consent 9756-1 52
Table 47 Summary of performance for consent 10054-1 53
Table 48 Compliance, Environmental and administrative ratings 2021-2022 54
List of figures
Figure 1 Location of the TBP site
Waste Remediaton Services Symes Manawapou Landfarm consent monitoring 2017-2018