Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki - clean version (Council decisions)
Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki - clean version (Council decisions)
Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki - clean version (Council decisions)
Compliance with guidelines 44 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 45 Cyanobacteria 45 3.2.9 Timaru Stream at Weld Road (near mouth) 46 page ii Compliance with guidelines 48 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 48 3.2.10Waimoku Stream at Oakura beach 50 Compliance with guidelines 52 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 53 3.2.11Oakura River below SH45 54 Compliance with guidelines 56 Comparison
Graham Elliott Online reference number: Completed on: Submitter's details Full name or company name of submitter Contact Name Email Contact phone number Postal Address: Street address of property affected (if different to the address above): The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the email address provided above. Application to which submission relates Name of applicant Proposal (activity type and location) TRC Consent number/s I am
page 1 Young Street New Plymouth | P O Box 929, Taranaki Mail Centre | NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 Tel: (+64) 6 751 4285 | E-mail: 14 April 2020 Taranaki Regional Council Attn: Colin McLellan Tēnā koe, RE: APPLICATIONS BY ŌPUNAKĒ POWER LIMITED Kua hinga te tōtara o te wāo nui a Papatuānuku. At this time we wish to pay particular homage to Diane Ratahi a revered leader of Ngāti
STDC lclosed andfills consent compliance monitoring report 2020-2021
Ordinary Council Agenda February 2024 Part 2 web
Matters arising Consultation Document and Supporting Documentation for the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan Mr M J Nield, Director-Corporate Services, advised the Council that the public submission period for the 2018/2028 Long-Term plan closed on Friday 6 April 2018. 53 submissions have been received with close to 30 submitters wishing to be heard in support of their submission that will be considered on 7 May 2017. 2. Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes – 13 March 2018
District Taranaki Date Issued 27 May 1927 Prior References PROC 800 TN37/56 TN42/70 Estate Fee Simple Area 4.3600 hectares more or less Legal Description Subdivision 1-2 Section 53 Block VI Huiroa Survey District and Subdivision 1 Section 54 Block VI Huiroa Survey District Registered Owners Trustpower Limited Interests Excepting thereout such parts of the mines of coal or other minerals thereunder as are excepted from the said Proclamation
the current topography is perhaps 20 m or more deep in the deepest parts of the upper two levels of the park. If so, the volume of landfill is expected to be at least several hundred thousand cubic metres. The park is bounded by the remnants of the gully walls which slope steeply up to Marfell School and residential properties on Endeavour Street to the west and residential properties on Cook Street to the east. The top level of the park (Photograph 1) has an area of about