Extractable Barium 2 250
Cadmium 1 0.8
Chromium 3 600
Copper 3 100
Lead 1 160
Nickel 3 60
Mercury 1
Zinc 3 300
Sodium 460
Conductivity 290 mS/m
Chloride 700
Sodium adsorption ratio 8 (ratio)
TPH C7-C9 120
TPH C10-C14 58
TPH C15-C36 4000
Naphthalene 7.2
Pyrene 160
Benzo (a) pyrene 0.027
Benzene 1.1
Toluene 68
Ethylbenzene 53
Xylenes 48
1SCS – Rural Residential MfE 2011b; 2 Alberta Environment 2009; 3
flows 29
Instream temperature 31
Water chemistry 32
Biomonitoring 36
2.1.5 Irrigation and groundwater monitoring 42
2.1.6 Solid waste disposal 48
2.2 Air 50
2.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 50
2.3.1 Water 53
2.3.2 Land 53
2.3.3 Air 53
2.4 Community consultation 55
2.5 Riparian management 56
2.6 Provision of reports, management plans, and certification 58
2.6.1 Reports and plans 58
2.6.2 Air discharge
combinations 53
List of figures
Figure 1 Map showing the layout of the 0.1 hectare grazing plots and different
stocking rate treatment replicates 8
Figure 2 Bar graph showing mean values and 95% confidence intervals for tests
of various chemical properties by stocking rate treatment 16
Figure 3 Bar graph showing mean values and 95% confidence intervals for tests
of various chemical properties by stocing rate treatment 17
Figure 4 Bar graph showing mean values and 95%
New Plymouth District for different housing types. The average
price of an empty section in New Plymouth is just over $220,000.
New Plymouth District Council 9 of 32
New Plymouth District Number of Sales Median Sale Value
Houses 320 $431,500
Apartments 5 $487,800
Flats 53 $332,500
Sections 34 $221,200
Source: Quotable Value, for the three months up to March 2018
Indicator 2: Dwellings sold
Source: MBIE Urban
presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Soil samples obtained on 11 December 2013 from the base of the storage pits at the
Greymouth Petroleum Hawera Landfarm
Parameter Unit Sample 1 Sample 2
Guideline Value
Benzene mg/kg 0.05 <0.05 1.1
Toluene mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 68
Ethylbenzene mg/kg 0.11 0.11 53
meta Xylene mg/kg 4.8 2.5
48 (combined)
ortha Xylene mg/kg 2.0 0.2
Total hydrocarbons mg/kg 19100 6400 1620**
C7-C9 mg/kg 65 23 -
intertidal zone and on land.
The first wharf at Waitara was privately owned and constructed by the Webster Brothers at the end of High
Street in 1868, and went on to become the town wharf in later years (de Jardine 1992:64,81). A railway wharf was
built at the end of Whitaker Street in 1875 and was eventually extended south as far as the bridge, although only
a portion of this structure presently remains (de Jardine 1992:66). The 1907 wharf at Tongaporutu was located in
the vicinity of
intertidal zone and on land.
The first wharf at Waitara was privately owned and constructed by the Webster Brothers at the end of High
Street in 1868, and went on to become the town wharf in later years (de Jardine 1992:64,81). A railway wharf was
built at the end of Whitaker Street in 1875 and was eventually extended south as far as the bridge, although only
a portion of this structure presently remains (de Jardine 1992:66). The 1907 wharf at Tongaporutu was located in
the vicinity of
TAG Oil Vanner landfarm consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Mauri Compass Assessment
Next Steps ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Our Kaitiaki Role .................................................................................................................................. 53
References …
footpaths and urban structures
such as street lighting, unless required for ROAD safety reasons. There are
also STATE HIGHWAYS with higher traffic levels. ARTERIAL and some
COLLECTOR ROADS can also have relatively high traffic levels.
As for the other ENVIRONMENT AREAS change is constant in the rural
environment. Beyond the annual cycle of the seasons, regional, national and
international forces act on the rural economy, and land uses frequently change as
a result. Different crops,