Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 952 results.

Citylink - December Saturday timetables for New Plymouth-Bell Block-Waitara

2.22 2.27 2.33 2.45 2.55 2.59 3.02 3.07 3.13 3.25 3.40 3.44 3.47 3.52 3.58 4.10 4.20 4.24 4.27 4.32 4.38 4.50 5.10 service runs from Ariki Street until last passenger disembarks (drop off service only) Route 2 - Whalers Gate Depart Ariki St Blagdon Rd Poplar Grove Barrett Rd Blagdon Shops Arrive Ariki St 8.10 am 8.17 am 8.20 am 8.22 am 8.25 am 8.37 am 9.00 9.07 9.10 9.13

Citylink Saturday timetables December 2020

page Route 1 - Moturoa Depart Ariki St Moturoa Shops Moturoa School Ngamotu Dairy Moturoa Shops Arrive Ariki St - 8.14 am 8.17 am 8.22 am 8.28 am 8.48 am 9.30 am 9.34 am 9.37 am 9.42 am 9.48 am 10.00 am 10.40 am 10.44 am 10.47 am 10.52 am 10.58 am 11.10 am 1.05 pm 1.09 pm 1.12 pm 1.17 pm 1.23 pm 1.35 pm 2.15 pm 2.19 pm 2.22 pm 2.27 pm 2.33 pm - Route 2 - Whalers Gate Depart Ariki St Blagdon Rd Poplar Grove Barrett Rd Blagdon Shops Arrive Ariki St …

Citylink Sat 30 Nov 2019 Xmas Parade

2.42 pm 2.48 pm 2.55 pm 3.35 pm 3.39 pm 3.42 pm 3.47 pm 3.53 pm – Depart Ariki Street Blagdon Road Poplar Grove Barrett Road Blagdon Shops Arrive Ariki Street – 10.14 am 10.17 am 10.21 am 10.25 am 10.35 am 11.25 am 11.32 am 11.35 am 11.39 am 11.43 am 11.53 am 3.10 pm 3.17 pm 3.20 pm 3.24 pm 3.28 pm 3.38 pm 4.15 pm 4.22 pm 4.25 pm 4.29 pm 4.33 pm – Depart Ariki Street Hospital


Poplar Grove Barrett Rd Blagdon Shops Arrive Ariki St 8.50 am 8.57 am 8.59 am 9.04 am 9.08 am 9.18 am 10.05 am 10.12 am 10.15 am 10.20 am 10.23 am 10.33 am 11.15 am 11.22 am 11.25 am 11.29 am 11.33 am 11.43 am 12.25 pm 12.32 pm 12.35 pm 12.39 pm 12.43 pm 12.53 pm 1.35 pm 1.42 pm 1.45 pm 1.49 pm 1.52 pm 2.03 pm 2.45 pm 2.52 pm 2.55 pm 2.59 pm 3.03 pm - Route 3 - Lynmouth/Marfell Depart Ariki St Hospital Cook St Shops Tukapa St Hospital Arrive Ariki St -

Citylink Bus Timetable as of 31 January 2022

12.50 2.05 3.25 4.15 4.55 5.38 6.20 Depart Ariki St Blagdon Rd Poplar Grove Barrett Rd Blagdon Shops Arrive Ariki St 1 2 3 4 AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM service runs from Ariki St until last passenger disembarks (drop off service only) PM PM PM BB R2 Blagdon/Whalers Gate 7.30 8.10 9.00 10.05 11.15 12.25 1.35 2.55 3.40 4.20 5.10 5.50 6.20 7.06 7.34 8.14 9.04 10.10 11.20 12.30

Site 67

Schools in the Environment (SITE) newsletter 67

Schoolbus R44 Ōakura to Highlands Timetable Jan 2025

page SPOTSWOOD HIGHLANDS DEVON NPGHS SHGC 44 DEVON ST WESTSOUTH RD 3.15PM 8.30AM 44 3.25PM 8.20AM C O R O N A T IO N A V E D IX O N S T SOUTH R D W A IR A U R D TUI GR Ōakura 3.55PM 44 7.45AM 7.55AM Starts Cnr Wairau and Tui Grove SCHOOL SERVICE* 44 Ōakura to Highlands IntermediateROUTE KEY i-Site Route Direction - AM Route Direction - PM TO ŌAKURA Ph 0800 87 22 87

Hill Country Farm Plans

exclusion fencing. In the past five years, farmers have planted over 20,000 poplar poles, established 203 hectares of forestry and erected 116.8 km of fencing to retire 3,333 hectares of marginal land. Contact us Call Taranaki Regional Council on 0800 736 222 and ask for a Land Management Officer or email us at Alternatively, fill out our contact form here.(external link) Farm Plans Comprehensive Farm Plans Comprehensive Farm Plans to look at all aspects of operations across an

Hill Country Farm Plans

exclusion fencing. In the past five years, farmers have planted over 20,000 poplar poles, established 203 hectares of forestry and erected 116.8 km of fencing to retire 3,333 hectares of marginal land. Contact us Call Taranaki Regional Council on 0800 736 222 and ask for a Land Management Officer or email us at Alternatively, fill out our contact form here.(external link) Farm Plans Comprehensive Farm Plans Comprehensive Farm Plans to look at all aspects of operations across an