Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 952 results.

Taranaki tsunami inundation analysis

Dec. 2008, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management Taranaki Region Map created on June 15, 2017 Map 14 New Plymouth page State Highway 45 So uth Ro ad State Highway 44 Fra nkl ey Road Tuk apa Stree t St Aubyn Street Devon Street West Ca rrin gto n S tre et Omata Road Ba rre tt R oa d Vivian StreetBelt Road Seaview Road Cutfield Road Govett Avenue Morley Street Poplar Grove Pioneer Road Bayly

Environmental leadership in land management 2020

frontal hill-country farm at Huiroa, inland from Stratford. By using their TRC Farm Plan and with assistance via the STRESS erosion scheme, the McCowans are reducing threats to water quality from soil erosion and flooding. They're planting scores of poplar and willow poles to hold soil, fencing and retiring some steeper land, with some pine establishment. And they actively manage stock and pasture use to minimise pugging. As well as protecting the environment, these measures offer options to diversify

Māori Constituency Submissions 1-100

submission form Submission Time: March 3, 2021 9:48 pm Browser: Chrome 87.0.4280.88 / OS X 10.10 Yosemite IP Address: Unique ID: 771427339 Location: Your details Name Rachel Eckersley Address 67 Marama Cr New Plymouth, Taranaki 4310 Email Phone +64220823899 I wish to appear in person at a hearing scheduled for 6 April in Stratford No Your submission Do you support the establishment of a Maori constituency for Taranaki Regional Council? (choose

Poplars and willows for fodder

page Introduction The leaves of most poplars and many willows are very palatable to livestock. Young poles need to be protected from stock until there’s sufficient foliage beyond the reach of browsing animals, for the trees to survive. Information Sheet 33 (Pole planting - establishment) outlines strategies farmers can use to protect young poles. Once poles are established, their palatability can be turned to advantage, as supplementary fodder for stock. There are three ways they can be

Hill Country Erosion Funding (STRESS)

enabled implementation of farm plan recommendations in large areas of the eastern hill country (see map). In the past five years, farmers have planted over 20,000 poplar poles, established 203 hectares of forestry and erected 116.8 km of fencing to retire 3,333 hectares of marginal land. Downloads South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Scheme (STRESS) (537 KB pdf) Related links South Taranaki Regional Erosion Support Scheme (MPI)

Hill Country Erosion Funding (STRESS)

enabled implementation of farm plan recommendations in large areas of the eastern hill country (see map). In the past five years, farmers have planted over 20,000 poplar poles, established 203 hectares of forestry and erected 116.8 km of fencing to retire 3,333 hectares of marginal land. Downloads South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Scheme (STRESS) (537 KB pdf) Related links South Taranaki Regional Erosion Support Scheme (MPI)

Landowner funding assistance

poplar and willow poles. Taranaki Regional Council acknowledges the co-funding of STRESS by the MPI Hill Country Erosion Fund. Council can also assist planholders with One Billion Trees grant applications which includes forestry and reversion. Contact: Land Management Team Top of page Riparian assistance Catchment funding: Mitigate effects of freshwater consent applications by accelerating riparian plan implementation in 14 catchments. Funding may be available

Landowner funding assistance

poplar and willow poles. Taranaki Regional Council acknowledges the co-funding of STRESS by the MPI Hill Country Erosion Fund. Council can also assist planholders with One Billion Trees grant applications which includes forestry and reversion. Contact: Land Management Team Top of page Riparian assistance Catchment funding: Mitigate effects of freshwater consent applications by accelerating riparian plan implementation in 14 catchments. Funding may be available

Job Description Nursery Production Coordinator

page 1 Nursery Production Coordinator Purpose | Te arotahi mātua The Nursery Production Coordinator is responsible for working collaboratively and cohesively within the Land Management team to create and implement the nursery management plan and to coordinate the production of quality poplar and willow material for soil conservation works. This is predominantly the management, implementation, establishment and maintenance of plant material to maximise the production