Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 906 results.

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2022-2023

2022 50 Table 6 Surface water monitoring 25 January 2023 52 Table 7 Surface water monitoring 23 March 2023 55 Table 8 Surface water monitoring 2 June 2023 58 Table 9 metals in surface water and WTS discharge 64 Table 10 Current biomonitoring sites in the Haehanga Stream catchment and comparable reference site 67 Table 11 Number of taxa, MCI and SQMCI values recorded in the Haehanga Stream catchment and reference stream in earlier, the last, and the current survey, together

Consents & Regulatory agenda June 2021

2021 09:30 AM Agenda Topic Page Opening Karakia 4 Apologies Notification of Late Items 1. Confirmation of Minutes 5 2. Resource Consents Issued Under Delegated Authority and Applications in Progress 11 3. Consent Monitoring Annual Reports 50 4. Incident, Compliance Monitoring Non-compliances and Enforcement Summary 67 5. Generally Ceasing Discharges of Farm Dairy Effluent to Water on Consent Renewal 111 6. Farm Dairy Discharge Moitoring Programme Review 115 7.

RSHL Annual Report 2022

statements required by section 67 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA (2002)) are attached. Unaudited Annual Report Audit New Zealand has not been able to schedule the audit of the RSHL 2022 Annual Report. Auditors are experiencing extended high workloads due to the impact of Covid-19 and travel restrictions which prevent the sourcing of qualified auditors from overseas. Audit New Zealand have informed RSHL that we are considered low risk and low priority. As at 1 August 2022 Audit NZ has

Summer 2014-2015

4.11.2 Compliance with guidelines 56 4.11.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 57 4.11.4 Long-term trend analysis 57 4.11.5 MfE guidelines additional sampling 58 4.11.6 Compliance with guidelines 59 4.12 Ohawe Beach 60 4.12.1 SEM programme 60 4.12.2 Compliance with guidelines 61 4.12.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 62 4.12.4 Long-term trend analysis 62 5. General summary 64 5.1 Regional overview 64 5.2 Conclusion 66 6. Recommendations 67 Appendix I High

Quarterly Operational Report - December 2018

suitable plants for land stabilisation, soil conservation and riparian planting programmes. To the end of December 2018, 306,902 native plants have been ordered for the year. page Resource management QUARTERLY OPERATIONAL REPORT – DECEMBER 2018 14 PERFORMANCE MEASURE ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Implement the South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Soil Conservation Programme including an estimated 4,000 poplar poles, 50 ha of protection

Quarterly Operational Report December 2017

Provide annually, on a cost-recovery basis, approximately 450,000 suitable plants for land stabilisation, soil conservation and riparian planting programmes. To the end of December 2017, 242,036 plants have been ordered for the year. Implement the South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Soil Conservation Programme including an estimated 4,000 poplar poles, 50 ha of protection forestry and construction of 22 km of retirement fencing to retire 400 ha