Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 952 results.

Environmental leadership in land management

scheme, the Carvers have planted exotic forestry and retired native bush on 47 hectares of highly erodible land. They’ve completed more than 3 kilometres of fencing, with another 3 under way. They’re stabilising slopes with poplar and willow poles they’re growing themselves. They’re also fencing and planting waterways on their dairy property. And the Carvers are retiring, covenanting, fencing and protecting 97 hectares of mature native forest with assistance from STDC, QEII Trust and the TRC’s Key

R44 Schoolbus Oakura April2023

page SPOTSWOOD HIGHLANDS DEVON NPGHS SHGC 44 DEVON ST WESTSOUTH RD 3.15PM 8.30AM 44 3.36PM 3.25PM 8.20AM D IX O N S T SOUTH R D W A IR A U R D OAKURA TUI GR 3.55PM 44 7.40AM 7.55AM Starts Cnr Wairau and Tui Grove Merrilands to Spotswood SCHOOL SERVICE* 44 Ōakura to Highlands IntermediateROUTE Ph 0800 87 22 87 TaranakiPublicTransport Cash payments are still accepted on the bus

Lake Kaikura - Nofolk Road (p80-147)

koromiko (Hebe stricta), five-finger (Peudopanax arboreus), swamp coprosma (Coprosma tenuicaulis), and coastal tree daisy (Olearia solandri). Sedges include Schoenoplectus validus and Baumea rubiginosa. New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia trigyna) and the convolvulous Calystegia sepium, are scattered throughout the flaxland. Pine (Pinus radiata), some poplars (Populus sp.), bracken (Pteridium esculentum) and umbrella sedge (Cyperus ustulatus) border the edges of this wetland vegetation.

Allerby's Bush; Cornwall Park; Fairy Forest; Fern Grove; Fisher Family Bush; George's Elephant; Green School; Inaha Stream; McColl East Bush; McKenzie Wetland; Orion's Belt; Piraunui; Te Kahu; Moeawatea; Vujcich Piakau Stream Forest; Waha o Tāne; Watatao.

Weeds - Low There are numerous exotic species in recently retired/planted pastoral margins and on the forest periphery, although the density of these is currently low. Within the forest area the overall the incidence of pest plants that threaten biodiversity is currently low at the site. page Fern Grove At a glance TRC Reference: BD/9688 Ecological District: North Taranaki Land Tenure: Private Area(ha): 20.5

Māori Constituency Submissions 101-200

appear in person at a hearing scheduled for 6 April in Stratford No Your submission Do you support the establishment of a Maori constituency for Taranaki Regional Council? (choose one) Yes (This is the Council's preferred option) page Form Name: Maori constituency submission form Submission Time: March 6, 2021 12:48 pm Browser: Chrome 88.0.4324.182 / Windows IP Address: Unique ID: 774510834 Location: Your details Name Maureen Bonner Address 67 Tape Road

Pole planting - maintenance

firm, not loose Blanking Not all of the poles planted will strike. 100% survival of a planting is rare; 90% after the first year is a good survival rate. Sometimes due to adverse conditions such as cattle damage, possum browse or summer drought, survival drops to 50% or less. Where mortality is heavy, it’s essential to blank (re- plant) next winter. If this isn’t done, tree spacing won’t be sufficiently dense for roots to anchor the soil, and Fig. 2 A pruned stand of poplars slips or

Poles - why plant them?

page Introduction A pole is a young tree stem between one and three metres long, which roots and sprouts when planted in the ground. The advantage of planting a pole instead of a seedling, is that its height gives it a ‘head start’, so it is less likely to be damaged by browsing animals. Many tree species can be pole-planted; the main ones used in New Zealand are poplars and willows. This is because they have the additional advantages for erosion control, of being fast-growing and

Consents issued 10 November 2017-18 January 2018

Hydrocarbon Exploration New R2/10190-2.0 South Dakota Trust Vegetation Disturbance Forestry Replace R2/10519-1.0 Melody Family Trust Vegetation Disturbance Forestry New R2/10521-1.0 Osflo Fertiliser Limited Structure - Culvert Fertiliser Storage or Distribution New R2/10524-1.0 Peter Groves Trustee Limited Vegetation Disturbance Forestry New Consent Holder Subtype Primary Industry Purpose Activity Purpose R2/2293-3.1 Taranaki Trucking Company Limited Take Surface Water Industry - Other

Bruces Bush and Dannys Pond KNE

excellent connectivity with other KNEs and the Te Papakura o Taranaki/ Egmont National Park. Good riparian connections exist throughout the property and wider area. Ecological Features Flora Bruce's Bush: The canopy is dominated by pukatea, tawa and swamp maire, with rimu, miro and kahikatea also common. Around the forest margin on the drier hillslopes, mahoe is common and there are several groves of kohekohe. Scarlet and white rata are common throughout the

Citylink New Plymouth services map Jan 2025

KLE Y RD TU KA PA S T WALLATH RD COWLING RD DAVIES RD G O V E T T A V E BROIS ST FRANKLEY RD W A IM E A S T B AR RE TT R D POPLAR GR OMATA RD SOUTH RD ORANGA ST LO R N A S T 7 5 1 4 3 2 6 1 2 3 2019 H O B S O N S T 4 Urban Timetable New Plymouth, Bell Block and Waitara bus services Routes 1-9, 19, 20 Mon-Fri Routes 10 and 11 Saturday Ph 0800 87 22