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Annual Plan 2016/2017

Taranaki Regional Council Annual Plan 2016/2017 - complete document.

Monitoring results, Town Wharf, summer 2016-17

quality might be expected under outflowing low tide conditions, although monitoring undertaken 6km further upstream (at the flow recorder site at Bertrand Road) over the recreational period 2009-2014 has found a lower median E.coli bacterial number of 67 per 100 ml but a wider range of E. coli numbers (6 to 5000 per 100 ml). Comparison with guidelines Comparison with the 2003 guidelines for freshwater contact usage is summarised in Table 72. Table 82 Bacterial guidelines

Annual report 2010-2011

spring 2010 and summer 2011 results. 117 Table 65 Characteristic taxa (abundant, very abundant, extremely abundant) recorded in the Waingongoro River at Opunake Road between 1995 and February 2010 [30 surveys], and by the spring 2010 and summer 2011 surveys 118 Table 66 Results of previous surveys performed in the Waingongoro River at Eltham Road, together with spring 2010 and summer 2011 results. 120 Table 67 Characteristic taxa (abundant, very abundant, extremely abundant) recorded

Annual report 2013-2014

River 60 page ii State Highway 3 site (MGN000195) 60 Bristol Road site (MGN000427) 63 Discussion 66 3.2.8 Maketawa Stream 67 Derby Road site (MKW000200) 67 Tarata Road site (MKW000300) 70 Discussion 73 3.2.9 Waitara River 74 Mamaku Road site (WTR000850) 74 Community composition 75 Temporal trends in 1995 to 2014 data 76 Discussion 77 3.2.10 Mangati Stream 78