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Pukeiti newsletter and plant list February 2018

page Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust Inc. NEWSLETTER February 2018 VOLUME 67 NO.1 2018: The Developments Take Effect. PL ANT LIST AND ORDER FORM WORKING BEE DATES & OTHER MEMBER ACTIVITIES inside The Lodge takes shape - a view from The Misty Knoll Often people ask – “What is the best time to visit Pukeiti?” or “When are the rhododendrons at their peak?” Having questioned visitors on their impressions of Pukeiti, during January, in a month

Inhalable particulates (PM10) regional monitoring 2010

particles. A report has determined New Plymouth to be the urban area with the lowest mortality from adverse air quality, of 67 urban centres in New Zealand. 2 To establish if a relationship exists between vehicle densities and the measured PM10 levels, traffic counts recording vehicle densities throughout continuous 24 hour sampling periods at two locations were undertaken. This work was carried out by New Plymouth District Council (NPDC). The two locations selected were the intersection of

Freshwater physicochemical monitoring 2017-2018

this programme. page i Table of contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Sites 3 3 Sampling procedure and analytical parameters 7 4 Water quality results 9 4.1 Sites’ water quality 9 4.2 Comparative water quality for the twenty three-year (1995-2018) period 63 4.2.1 TRC data 63 4.2.2 NIWA data 67 4.2.3 Comparative water quality for the twenty three-year (1995-2018) period 67 4.2.4 National Objectives Framework 70 4.3 Trends in physicochemical water

Annual report 2016-2017

Wastewater 25 2.3.2. Cooling water 29 2.3.3. Stormwater 29 2.3.4. Inaha tributary at plant site 30 2.4. Results of receiving environment monitoring 33 2.4.1. Inaha Stream Flows 33 2.4.2. Instream Temperatures 34 2.4.3. Water chemistry 35 2.4.4. Irrigation and groundwater monitoring 41 2.4.5. Solid Waste Burial 55 2.4.6. Biological monitoring 56 2.5. Air 59 2.5.1. Inspections 59 2.6. Provision of reports, management plans and certifications 67 2.6.1.

The Mānuka & Kānuka Plantation Guide (Landcare Research)

PLANTATIONS 41 6.1 Planting Location and Season 42 6.2 Plant Sourcing 43 6.3 Eco-sourcing 45 6.4 Seedling selection 46 6.5 Planting 47 6.6 Site preparation 56 6.7 Pests and diseases 60 7. LONG TERM MANAGEMENT 63 7.1 Life Span 63 7.2 Resource Management Act 64 7.3 Plantation Collectives 65 8. CONCLUSION 66 9. REFERENCES 67 9.1 INTERVIEWS 67 9.2 LITERATURE 68 APPENDIX 1: BUILDING A BUSINESS CASE 72 DOCUMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE FOR CITATION: BOFFA MISKELL

Kauri E hydraulic fracturing report 2018-2019

Parameter Bore id GND2643 - Unit Fracturing fluid Sample date - 29 Aug 2018 30 Aug 2018 Lab number - TRC183523 TRC183522 Methanol g/m3 < 2 < 2 Benzene g/m3 < 0.0010 < 0.0010 Toluene g/m3 < 0.0010 < 0.0010 Ethylbenzene g/m3 0.0101 < 0.0010 m-Xylene g/m3 < 0.002 < 0.002 o-Xylene g/m3 0.0011 < 0.0010 C7-C9 hydrocarbons g/m3 < 0.06 < 0.06 C10-C14 hydrocarbons g/m3 23 710 C15-C36 hydrocarbons g/m3 5 67 Total hydrocarbons g/m3 28 780 Table 6 Results

Solid Waste Management agenda August 2020

given the reduction in the quality of the plastic, mainly from the exposure to varying weather conditions. The issues with recycling mixed plastic is not unique to Taranaki. A number of councils have made the decision to reduce the range of plastic types accepted as part of kerbside services. Of the 67 councils in New Zealand, about 55% do not accept plastic types 3, 4, 6, or 7. About 70% of councils accept type 5 plastics and all councils accept type 1 and 2 plastics. …