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Solid Waste Management agenda August 2020

given the reduction in the quality of the plastic, mainly from the exposure to varying weather conditions. The issues with recycling mixed plastic is not unique to Taranaki. A number of councils have made the decision to reduce the range of plastic types accepted as part of kerbside services. Of the 67 councils in New Zealand, about 55% do not accept plastic types 3, 4, 6, or 7. About 70% of councils accept type 5 plastics and all councils accept type 1 and 2 plastics. …

Taranaki By Products Air and Water Annual Report 2022-2023

discharge STW001075 Date Temp (°C) Electrical Conductivity (mS/m) E. coli (MPN/100 mL) pH Total Ammoniacal- N (g/m3) Total Biochemical Oxygen Demand (g O2/m3) Suspended Solids (g/m3) Turbidity (FNU) 18 Aug 2022 15.0 18.0 >2,420 7.0 1.2 10 220 159 24 Nov 2022 15.0 35.2 >2,420 7.1 1.7 7 67 35 23 Feb 2023 17.3 58.7 >2,420 7.1 5.6 33 197 121 11 May 2023 14.1 72.7 >2,420 6.0 17 220 1,350 450 Consent Limit - - - 6-9 - - 100 - The

2021/2022 schedules of charges

… ground and away from areas of constructed fill, and to minimise disturbance to earthflows and gullies b) regulations 26 and 65 associated with sediment management c) regulations 28 and 55 addressing accelerated erosion, stream obstruction, or diversion of water flow d) regulations 31, 56, and 67 addressing sediment and stormwater controls e) regulations 36-46 for river crossings (fish passage, effects on other structures, erosion and sediment control and discharges) f) regulations 32 and

Biennial report 2013-2015

Physicochemical 31 Waiokura Stream surface water quality 48 Fish passage temperature compliance in mixing zone 49 Lower stream water temperatures 51 Evaluation of fish passage 54 Biomonitoring 55 2.2 Air 60 2.2.1 Inspections 60 2.2.2 Emission monitoring 60 2.2.3 Deposition gauging 62 2.3 Investigations, interventions and incidents 64 page ii 3. Discussion 67 3.1 Discussion of plant performance 67 3.2 Environmental effects of

Annual report 2015-2016

spring 2015 and summer 2016 surveys 131 Table 66 Results of previous surveys performed in the Waingongoro River at Opunake Road together with spring 2015 and summer 2016 results. 133 Table 67 Characteristic taxa [abundant (A), very abundant (VA), extremely abundant (XA)] recorded in the Waingongoro River at Opunake Road between 1995 and February 2015 [38 surveys], and by the spring 2015 and summer 2016 surveys 135 Table 68 Results of previous surveys performed in the Waingongoro River

Todd Petroleum Mining Company Kapuni Production Station Annual Report 2021-2022

6.9 17 12 February 2022 <5 <5 11 6 6.5 – 7.2 6.9 31 16 March 2022 5 <5 12 8 6.3 – 7.2 6.9 17 12 April 2022 7 <5 34 12 6.3 – 7.0 6.8 22 14 May 2022 8 <5 67 8 6.1 – 7.1 6.8 35 16 June 2022 6 <5 6 3 6.0 – 7.2 6.7 16 43 The results show a consistently clean discharge. Maximum values for hydrocarbons, and suspended solids were below the consent limits throughout the period under review. The pH was within the acceptable range in the majority of samples, with the exception of

Remediation hearing - submitters' expert evidence - Ngāti Mutunga (Katie Jane Beecroft)

should include a suite of nutrients including nitrogen (total nitrogen, available nitrogen) and phosphorus (Olsen phosphorus) as a minimum. Soil pH influences the availability or mobility of contaminants in the soil and should be routinely monitored. I consider that monitoring of these parameters should be included as a condition of consent. SITE NUTRIENT BALANCE 67 There are a number of potential sources of contaminants from activities at the RNZ site. Mr Kay provides an

Quarterly Monitoring Report No 2 - March 2018

term. Of note, in 2017, average rents were cheaper than for comparative cities (this has not always been the case). page New Plymouth District Council 17 of 32 Indicator 8: Rentals per dwelling type New Plymouth Suburb Bonds Received Lower Quartile Median Rent Upper Quartile One bedroom Central 38 $220 $237 $253 Outer 67 $212 $243 $272 Two bedrooms Central 118 $274 $304 $322 Outer 211 $282 $304 $334

Biennial report 2011-2013

Council 2009: ‘AA Contracting Monitoring Programme Biennial Report 2009-2011.’ Technical Report 2011 - 67 Taranaki Regional Council 2009: ‘AA Contracting Monitoring Programme Biennial Report 2007-2009.’ Technical Report 2009 - 61 Taranaki Regional Council 2007: ’AA Contracting Monitoring Programme Biennial Report 2005-2007.’ Technical Report 2007 - 73 Taranaki Regional Council, 2005: ‘AA Contracting Monitoring Programme Biennial Report 2003-2005.’ Technical Report 2005 -