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Annual report 2015-2016

Freshwater physicochemical state of the environment monitoring report 2015-2016 - TRC.

Annual report 2012-2013

Stream 64 Table 19 Summary of performance for Consent 2050-4 Discharge cooling water to Inaha tributary 65 Table 20 Summary of performance for Consent 5426-1 Discharge stormwater to Inaha tributary 66 Table 21 Summary of performance for Consent 4058-4 Discharge emissions to air 66 Table 22 Summary of performance for Consent 3941-2 Discharge treated wastewater to land 67 Table 23 Summary of performance for Consent 5495-1 Discharge by burial of wastes from meat rendering 68

Annual report 2015-2016

2014-2015 Annual Report 67 3.7 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2016-2017 68 3.8 Recommendations 69 4. Summary of recommendations 70 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 71 Bibliography and references 73 Appendix I Resource consents held by Methanex Appendix II Hydrograph for the Waitara River at Bertrand Road for the monitoring period July 2015 to June 2016 Appendix III Methanex’s biennial water reduction report Appendix IV Air emissions report

Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki

.......................................................... 62 The future without regionally dedicated funds ............................. 64 Ten-year forecast of expenditure and revenue ............................. 65 National moderation and allocating of funding ........................... 67 Activities to be funded from other sources ................................... 67 7. Monitoring, reviews and variations.................................................... 68 Monitoring the Plan

Annual report 2014-2015

2014-2015 59 Table 18 Summary of Waitara Valley chemical discharge data (calculated) for July 2013 to June 2014 59 Table 19 Inter-laboratory comparison on Waitara Valley effluent composite sample results 60 Table 20 Summary of performance for Consent 0801-2 64 Table 21 Summary of performance for Consent 0802-2 65 Table 22 Summary of performance for Consent 3399-2 66 Table 23 Summary of performance for Consent 3960-2 67 Table 24 Summary of performance for Consent 4045-3 67 List of

Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki - clean version (Council decisions)

standards Section 67 of the RMA specifies that regional plans must give effect to:  any national policy statement,  any New Zealand coastal policy statement, and  any regional policy statement. National policy statements (NPS) are instruments issued by the Government under sections 45 and 46 of the RMA. They state objectives and policies for matters of national significance that are relevant to achieving the purpose of the RMA, to which regional plans must give effect