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Report Item 5 40 New approach to speed management Item 6 44 Regional road safety update Item 7 47 SH3 Awakino Gorge to Mt Messenger Programme update Item 8 50 Mobility as a Service presentation Item 9 56 SH43 improvements advocacy Item 10 67 Public transport operational update for the quarter ending 30 June 2017 Item 11 75 Correspondence and information items Regional Transport Committee - Agenda 2 page Agenda Memorandum Date 6 September 2017

Biennial report 2011-2013

Origin Energy consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2012-2013

undertaken as the Company stored and processed soil contaminated with timber treatment chemicals within the system’s catchment. Table 4 Results irrigation fluid monitoring Parameter Unit 16 Aug 2012 12 Oct 2012 11 Jan 2013 22 Feb 2013 18 Apr 2013 14 Jun 2013 Arsenic g/m3 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.009 0.005 0.006 BOD g/m3 67 580 18 48 35 540 Chloride g/m3 875 3550 3650 3940 4170 5630 Conductivity @ 20 Deg. C mS/m 340 102 1096 1110 1530 1480 Total chromium g/m3 <0.03 0.03

NPDC coastal structures monitoring 2017-2018

structure on Ngamotu Beach 65 Table 34 Summary of performance for Consent 6553-1 boat ramp at Paritutu/Back Beach 65 Table 35 Summary of performance for Consent 4583-2 to erect, place and maintain rock boulder protection works, and to occupy coastal space at the mouth of the Oakura River 66 Table 36 Summary of performance for Consent 4584-2 boat ramp, foreshore protection works and other associated structures at Oakura 67 Table 37 Summary of performance for Consent 5223-3 stormwater

Annual report 2014-2015

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Port Area Industrial Catchments Annual Report 2020-2021

monitoring programme for 2021-2022 62 5 Summary of recommendations 64 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 65 Bibliography and references 67 Appendix I Resource consents held by companies in the Herekawe Catchment Appendix II Resource consents held by companies in the Hongihongi Catchment Appendix III Resource consents held by other companies discharging to the CMA List of tables Table 1 Resource consents for activities in the Herekawe catchment 4 Table 2

Remediation hearing - submitters' expert evidence - Ngāti Mutunga (Anne-Maree Mckay attachment to evidence)

Urenui river: Mahinga Kai State: Score A (17 – 21) Good Site Indicator Score: 67 out of a maximum of 115 Taonga Species: 16 out of 25 page Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga & Te Wai Māori Trust: Mauri Compass Assessment 36 Mimitangiatua river: Mahinga Kai State: Score B (12 - 16) Good Site Indicator Score: 49 out of a maximum of 115 Taonga Species 20 out of 25 In the past, due to relationships with