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Small stream modification in Taranaki

page vi 6.1.2 Development of a GIS method for recording ongoing small stream modification 58 6.1.3 Provision of information 59 6.1.4 The Dairying and Clean-Stream Accord 59 6.2 Statutory methods 60 6.2.1 Processing consents 60 6.2.2 Improvements to the consenting process 61 6.2.3 Compliance and enforcement 62 7. Summary and conclusions 64 8. Recommendations 67 9. References 70 List of tables Table 1 Results of electric fishing and spotlighting surveys carried out in

NZEC deep well injection monitoring 2018-2019

1,549 67 85 30 Note * calculated using daily volume and hours page 15 Figure 4 Waihapa-5: Daily injection volumes and injection pressures (2018-2019) 2.4.2 Summary of injection activities at the Waihapa-F wellsite (consent 4094-2) Historically, the majority of injection within the Waihapa field has been undertaken from the Waihapa-F wellsite, via the Waihapa-7A well. The volumes of fluids injected via the well had generally increased over recent years, peaking

Annual report 2016-2017

g/m³N 0.0017 1.829 0.0025 0.025 (d/s) Dissolved reactive phosphorus g/m³P 0.039 - 0.066 Suspended solids g/m³ 140 1,600 140 100 (discharge) Turbidity NTU 75 960 67 Appearance Turbid, brown Turbid, brown Turbid, brown Consent 0715-4 allows a maximum wastewater discharge rate of 16 L/sec and requires a minimum receiving water flow of 5m3/s. That is, a minimum dilution ratio of 312.5:1. These results indicated that the dilution rate was about 1 part effluent to 2,600 and 600

Annual report 2015-2016

Silver Fern Farms Waitotara consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2014-2015

discharge and receiving seawater monitoring of Port Taranaki Date Stormwater discharge Receiving environment Conductivity mS/m Hydrocarbons g/m³ pH Suspended Solids g/m³ Consent Limit - 15 6.0 – 9.0 100 10-Dec-14 STW001088 3.6 <0.5 6 17 STW001089 8.9 <0.5 5.5 38 SEA902066 4,280 <0.5 7.8 29 SEA902064 4,610 <0.5 8 16 STW001090 1.8 0.6 7.1 35 STW001092 3.3 <0.5 7 21 8-Apr-15 STW001088 7.1 <0.5 6.4 110 STW001089 8.9 <0.5 6 67

Annual report 2013-2014

Irrigation consent monitoring report 2014-14 - Taranaki Regional Council.