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web EnergyWatch appeal
Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 2
Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 2
Pohokura PS consent monitoring 2018-2019
67 22 10,275 6.8 6,133 13-Nov-18 11 25 10,348 6.9 5,256 5-Dec-18 11 51 9,680 6.6 4,809 15-Jan-19 23 36 8,050 6.9 3,878 19-Feb-19 6 35 10,388 6.8 5,760 19-Mar-19 2 14 8,280 6.8 4,112 16-Apr-19 17 20 7,890 6.7 5,367 21-May-19 27 32 10,925 6.8 7,164 17-Jun-19 6 36 7,450 6.7 620 Condition 3 of consent 6176-1 requires the consent holder to also record the amount of material injected. This data is provided to the Council by OMV and is summarised in Figure 2.
Kaupapa Māori Freshwater Assessments
Kaupapa Māori Freshwater Assessments (Perception Planning Ltd)
Regional Transport agenda March 2019
Regional Transport Committee agenda March 2019
Lake Rotorangi monitoring report 2016-2018
Lake Rotorangi state of the environment monitoring report 2016-2018
Annual report 2016-2017
landfill trib Alkalinity g/m3 63 58 61 BODCF g/m3 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Conductivity mS/m 22.0 22.4 21.9 Acid soluble copper g/m3 0.003 0.010 0.001 Dissolved oxygen g/m3 5.09 8.59 5.4 Dissolved reactive phosphorus g/m3 0.017 0.026 0.015 Faecal coliforms per/100ml 3700 470 1200 Acid soluble iron g/m3 1.87 7.4 0.1 Hardness g/m3 -CaCO3 71 63 67 page 15 Parameter Unit 28 February 2017 WGG000653 u/s landfill trib WGG000647 landfill trib d/s
Annual report 2015-2016
NPDC landfills consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council
Annual report 2013-2014
STDC Eltham wastewater treatment plant consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.