Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2364 results.

2023 Terms 1 2 calendar of events Enviroschools Taranaki

demonstration farm site visit: Good for students from year 5 to 13 $300 Teacher release per visit & $300 bus hire contribution available page Ag & Hort - field trips Term 1 field trips Stratford Demonstration Farm Dairy Numbers 40695. & 40696- East Road Stratford 7th March 10:00 -1:30pm Focus: Precision identification of Nitrate leaching (Cattle urine leaching mitigation) using ‘Spikey’ technology. NCEA Links: L1 90160, L2 91298, L3 91532 Registrations due

Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan for Taranaki.

National Policy Direction 5 2.4 Relationship with Māori 6 2.5 Consultation overview 6 2.6 Responsibilities and obligations 7 3. The management agency 7 3.1 Compensation and disposal of receipts 7 3.2 Affected parties 7 3.3 Responsibilities of owners and/or occupiers 7 3.3.1 Crown agencies 7 3.3.2 Territorial local authorities 8 3.3.3 Road reserves 8 3.3.4 Organisms declared as pests 11 4. Other harmful organisms 12 4.1 Pest management framework 13 5.

Stratford wastewater treatment plant monitoring report 2018-2019

(SDC) operates a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located on Victoria Road at Stratford, in the Patea catchment. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess SDC’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of SDC’s activities. SDC

Annual report 2013-2014

(formerly Meadowvale Piggery) operates a piggery located on Mountain Road at Midhirst, in the Manganui catchment. Transfer of consents between the two parties became effective on 1 December 2012. NZ Pure Bred Genetics Ltd specializes in growing 8 to 10 weeks old weaners for the market and do not grow fattening pigs at the piggery. Significantly less effluent is produced by not growing fattening pigs. This report for the period July 2013-June 2014 describes the monitoring programme implemented

Remediation Hearing - submitters - Bendall & Baker (Backshall) Supporting Info

Limited - Uruti Odour - Remediation NZ Limited - Uruti Odour- Remediation NZ Limited - Uruti Odour - Remediation NZ Limited - Uruti Odour - Remediation NZ Limited - Uruti Odour - Remediation NZ Limited - Uruti Odour - Remediation NZ - Uruti Odour - Mokau Road - Uruti Uruti Uruti Uruti Uruti A complaint was received regarding objectionable odours discharging from a composting facility along Mokau Road. A complaint was received about an odour emanating from the

Applications received list for website 31 May to 1 July 2022

22-03729-3.0 R2/3729-3.0 Swiss Bell Trust 31-May-22 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 56 Crompton Road, Patea Kaikura 22-03785-3.0 R2/3785-3.0 New Road Trust & Donald Armstrong Memorial Trust Partnership 31-May-22 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 21 Crown Road, Douglas Patea 22-03854-3.0 R2/3854-3.0 Grey Rock Farm Limited 31-May-22 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge

Climate Justice Taranaki Inc - Remediation NZ submission

to air (5839-3.0) 1. Climate Justice Taranaki Incorporated (CJT) welcome the opportunity to submit on Remediation (NZ) Ltd’s discharge consent applications1 associated with their composting and vermiculture operation on Mokau Road at Uruti in the Mimi catchment. 2. CJT note Council’s environmental effects assessment which determined public notification of the applications: “The discharges result from a large scale waste management operation. The operation involves storage

Taranaki Tsunami Inundation Analysis

inundation. In places where there are river estuaries, there are some houses, roads and infrastructure which are at risk. In particular, the communities of Tongaporutu, Urenui, Onaero, Waitara, New Plymouth, Oakura, Opunake, and Patea all have low lying areas which are at risk from inundation as a result of tsunami waves. Details of the inundation areas and infrastructure at risk are included in this report. Output from the analysis is also provided as layers available to be used in a

NPDC Crematorium Annual Report 2022-2023

HAPs from the cremator stacks, in combination with background levels, are likely to be low, and unlikely to approach the relevant human health-based standards and guidelines at any location where people may be exposed. Complaints about adverse amenity effects from discharges of odour, smoke or particulate matter were not received during the monitoring period, although visible smoke can be seen from the road occasionally. Adverse amenity effects are not likely to occur at a frequency or

Stratford Power Station & Ahuroa gas storage consent monitoring 2017-2018

35 Summary of performance for consent 7432-1 70 Table 36 Summary of performance for consent 7746-1 71 Table 37 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 72 page v List of figures Figure 1 Patea River flow at Skinner Road m3/second 1 July 2017-1 July 2018 19 Figure 2 Patea River temperature 2017-2018 downstream of SPS discharge 23 Figure 3 Patea River upstream minus downstream of discharge temperature variation 2017-2018 24 Figure 4