Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2364 results.

Applications received between 21 March to 27 March 2022

Sea 22-03716-3.1 3716-3.1 Fabish Bros Farms Limited 23-Mar-22 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land and after treatment in an oxidation pond system into an unnamed tributary of the Mangamawhete Stream if the land disposal area is unsuitable for effluent disposalDischarge Permit 217 Bedford Road South, Norfolk Waitara 22-03733-3.0 3733-3.0 IW & KD Shearer Family Trusts 25-Mar-22 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land, and

Stratford water supplies consent monitoring 2020-2021

Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 11% of the consents, a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. 1 1.2 Process description 1.2.1 Stratford water supply The municipal water supply is extracted from the Patea River (main supply) and the Konini Stream (auxiliary supply) by means of weirs on these watercourses. At the Cardiff Road WTP, water is filtered using membrane filters and then treated with chlorine and fluoride for domestic supply

Submission 272 Giddy Linda 04 March 2022

Request for the roundabout to be located as far away from 47 Airport Drive house as possible if proposed plan proceeds. We feel the roundabout could be moved further away from the house.     Roading page Owners would like written confirmation of road widths. It was discussed these would probably be the standard residential width. Standard residential roads have street lights so will these be installed?   Proposed Subdivision Owners require written confirmation that the zoning for section number 2, 3, 6 (please see attached plans) will be classified

RKM Farms monitoring report 2017-2018

page RKM Farms Ltd (Piggery) Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 Technical Report 2018-19 Taranaki Regional Council ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713 Document: 2084304 (Word) STRATFORD Document: 2107052 (Pdf) October 2018 page page Executive summary RKM Farms Ltd (the Company) operates a piggery located on 599A South Road at Hawera in the Tangahoe, catchment. The

Annual report 2014-2015

page RKM Farms Limited (Piggery) Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2014-2015 Technical Report 2015-20 Taranaki Regional Council ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713 Document: 1542167 (Word) STRATFORD Document: 1561082 (Pdf) October 2015 page page Executive summary RKM Farms Limited (the Company) operates a piggery located on 599A South Road at

TRC December 2022 Rainfall Data

full year Records Began Marco Road 17 193.2 96 2331.1 124 124 2018 Br to Somewhere 15 154.2 78 2009.5 121 121 2018 2. River Flow at 32 sites in Taranaki Map 2: Month mean river flows (m3/sec), with difference as % of long-term mean. page Table 2: Summary of high, low and mean flow for the current reporting month and the same month for all preceding years of record. page Recorded flows (m3/sec) Highs Lows Mean River and

Application 1795 (renewal) - Ōpunake Power Ltd

__________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Location of activity (Including: Street/road name, number, and locality) South Road (State Highway 45) Opunake _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.3 Map Co-ordinates at point of take (either Longitude/Latitude or NZTM): ________________________ Longitude ________________________ Latitude OR 1674582 E -5632132

Site 64

lost if students cannot hear what the group is being told. This needs to Risk Analysis Management (RAM) sheet: be sighted by either the Council Education Officer, Kevin Archer or the Council officer in charge of the visit on any day preceding the visit. The road has been improved in recent years, Road access: however, it is a winding road and should be taken very slowly and carefully. School visits are welcomed in any Months available: month apart from October

Historic Heritage

buildings, including the White Hart Hotel and St Mary’s Cathedral Church and grounds. They also include Bertrand Road suspension bridge, the Inglewood railway station and the town hall. No Category A structures have been demolished in New Plymouth since 2009, although the Honeyfield drinking fountain on the Coastal Walkway suffered significant damage as a result of a car accident. The fountain has since been removed, repaired off site and reinstated. An investigation into earthquake