an unnamed tributary of the Piakau Stream Discharge Permit 191 Durham Road, Norfolk Waitara
21-02304-3.0 Hutiwai Valley Trust 30-Aug-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 272 Hutiwai Road, Tongaporutu Tongaporutu
21-01963-3.0 AJ & DI Dravitzki Trusts Partnership 30-Aug-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge treated farm dairy effluent onto and into land Discharge Permit 760 Tariki Road South, Ratapiko Waitara
Ltd (the Company) operates a drilling waste landfarm (Waikaikai Landfarm)
located off Lower Manutahi Road at Manutahi, South Taranaki, in the Mangaroa catchment.
This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the
production station located
on Bird Road at Stratford, in the Patea catchment. The Waihapa Production Station processes
oil and gas from numerous associated wellsites. This report for the period July 2014–June 2015
describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the
Council) to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under
review, and the results and environmental effects of the Company’s activities.
The Company holds a total of three
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online)
Document: 2550720 (Word)
Document: 2665251 (Pdf)
April 2021
Executive summary
Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd (Fonterra) operates a dairy processing complex located on Whareroa Road
at Hawera, between the Tangahoe catchment and another small unnamed catchment. Fonterra holds a total
of 18 resource consents related …
discharge farm dairy effluent onto land, and until 1 December XXXX after treatment in an oxidation pond system and a
constructed drain into an unnamed tributary of the Manganui River
Discharge Permit 193 Tariki Road South, Tariki Waitara
21-01806-4.0 KJ & HL Uhlenberg (Waitui) Family Trust Partnership 22-Jul-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land, and until 1 December XXXX after treatment in an oxidation pond system and a
wetland into an unnamed tributary
Applicant Lodged Date Type of application Description Activity Type Site Location Catchment
21-10948-1.0 Greymouth Petroleum Turangi Limited 02-Aug-21 New consent To install and use a pipeline under the bed of an unnamed tributary of the
Parahaki between the Turaangi-B wellsite and Turangi-A Production
Land Use Consent Between Turangi-B wellsite and Turangi-A Production
Station, Turangi Road Upper, Motonui
21-10949-1.0 Stratford
Executive summary
The New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) operates a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
located on Lincoln Road at Inglewood, in the Kurapete catchment. This report for the period July 2021 to
June 2022 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the
Council) to assess NPDC’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under
review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the
The maximum contribution per trip is $20.
Note: Taranaki Regional Council will pay half the fare up to a maximum of $40. Any
additional fare must be paid in full by the user.
0800 TOT MOB (868 662) Taranaki Regional Council
47 Cloten Road
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
(contains answers to frequently asked
questions and forms).
This document was created by an application that isn’t licensed to use
The maximum contribution per trip is $20.
Note: Taranaki Regional Council will pay half the fare up to a maximum of $40. Any
additional fare must be paid in full by the user.
0800 TOT MOB (868 662) Taranaki Regional Council
47 Cloten Road
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
(contains answers to frequently asked
questions and forms).
This document was created by an application that isn’t licensed to use
stockyard solids are piped under Tawhiti Road to an area of land adjacent
to the plant. The solids are separated using two (2 mm) rotating milli-screens in series.
Screened material containing 15-20% solids is piled on land to compost. The disposal
area is bunded and leachate is drained to a clay-lined collection lagoon which is
periodically pumped to trade waste via the milli-screens. The stream bank is planted to
treat any groundwater seepage, and to control erosion. At six-monthly to annual