Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2363 results.
Introduction and explanation of the regional rules
moveable or fixed industrial sources Rule 22 Moveable road burners Rule 23 Moveable or permanent asphalt/bitumen plants Discharge of heat or water vapour-based plumes from fixed sources Permitted Controlled Permitted Controlled Permitted Permitted Controlled Prohibited Controlled Restricted Discretionary Controlled Restricted Discretionary Permitted Permitted
DH Lepper Trust Piggery Annual Report 2021-2022
Executive summary DH Lepper Trust (the Company) operates a ”farrow to finish” piggery breeding and fattening unit located on 541 Mountain Road Lepperton, in the Waiongana catchment. During the monitoring period, DH Lepper Trust Piggery demonstrated a high level of environmental performance and high level of administrative performance. The facility includes a solids composting process and an anaerobic biogas digester that generates about half of the total electricity usage for the site.
Todd Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant (KGTP) Annual Report 2021-22
Executive summary Todd Petroleum Mining Company Ltd (the Company) operates a gas treatment plant (Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant, KGTP) located on Palmer Road at Kapuni, in the Kapuni catchment, South Taranaki. This report for the period July 2021 to June 2022 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the
Geospatial Strategy 2021-2026
plays in a geospatial focussed landscape. TEMO I GEOSPATIAL STRATEGY TO 2026 13 Figure 2: The factors enabling a successful geospatial technology capability, and how this strategy addresses these (adapted from Phyn, D., 2018). page OUR ROAD MAP TO 2026 NOW YEAR ONE YEAR TWO 2021/22 2022/23 UNDERSTANDING ONGOING NEEDS OF USERS OBJECTIVES
Annual Report 2012/2013 - full document
c/- Waiau Estate, 19 Onaero Beach Road, RD 43, Waitara Brian R Jeffares – 35 Ariel Street, Stratford Michael P Joyce – 354 Taikatu Road RD 28, Hawera Roger FH Maxwell – 70 Okoki Road RD 45, Urenui Neil W Walker – 48A Rata Street, Hawera Craig Williamson – PO Box 3364, New Plymouth exeCUTIve STaff Basil G Chamberlain – (Chief Executive) Gary K Bedford – (Director – Environment Quality) Stephen Hall – (Director – Operations) AD Fred McLay – (Director – Resource
Annual report 2016-2017
on Turangi Road at Motunui, in the Parahaki catchment. The Turangi Production Station processes oil and gas from from the Company’s northern Taranaki operations, including the Turangi and Kowhai groups of wellsites. This report for the period July 2016 to June 2017 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the
Annual report 2015-2016
petrochemical production station located on Turangi Road at Motunui, in the Parahaki catchment. The Turangi Production Station processes oil and gas from from the Company’s northern Taranaki operations, including the Turangi and Kowhai groups of wellsites. This report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under review. The report also details
Tawhiti Catchment monitoring report 2018-2019
Council was established. Graeme Lowe Protein also provided the Council with daily abstraction rates as per condition 2 of consent 7610-1 until 30 April 2013, after telemetry of abstraction data directly to Council was established. A hydrological recording station with telemetry is located in the Tawhiti Stream immediately downstream of the Silver Fern Farms site at Tawhiti Road to assess flow volumes. The hydrometric station is required to be maintained under consent 1103-4 and consent 7611-2
Annual report 2014-2015
rendering plant, located on Mountain Road at Stratford, in the Kahouri Stream catchment, a tributary of the Patea River. The Company processes primarily pigs, but also sheep and beef. Offal, blood and bones were processed on site in the rendering plant, producing meal and tallow. Wastewater is treated in a two pond system, which is either irrigated to land when conditions allowed, or to the Kahouri Stream during high flow conditions. This report for the period July 2014 to June 2015 describes the