Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2362 results.

Biodiversity on land

any formal protection status. Each factor is each given a ‘condition’ score. The scores are then used to rate the overall state of the remnant, from ‘Excellent’ to ‘Poor’. Of the 64 forest remnants assessed between 2008 and 2014, more than half were found to be in ‘Good’ or ‘Very good’ condition. A very small percentage of forest remnants were considered to be in ‘Poor’ condition. The Rowan Road forest remnant KNE (above) has a biodiversity plan. annotation

Glenafon Wetland, Kahouri Bush, Mimi Estuary, Mudfish 3, Putere Wetlands, Scott Bush, Victoria St

on private land near the Cheal Road and Oru Road intersection, approximately 6.5 kilometres northeast of Eltham in the Egmont Ecological District. General description The Mudfish 3 wetland covers 0.9 ha and is made up of a compact, spring fed swamp on the valley floor. This retired paddock has been modified with extensive earthworks to enhance the habitat in this area specifically for Brown Mudfish (Neochanna apoda). Small semi ephemeral ponds and hollows have been created

Memo 04 March 2022

with the Area Q Structure Plan and the Residential Zone rules should become a non-complying activity until Area R (FUZ) has been rezoned to an urban zone through a statutory plan change process and released upon completion of the realignment of Airport Drive. The implication of this is that if this recommendation is accepted by the Hearings Panel, consent applications to establish residential development directly across the road from the Airport Drive Poultry Farm may be

Policy and Planning Committee Agenda Nov 2023 web

Confirmation of Minutes Policy and Planning Committee 29 August 2023 Resolved Policy and Planning Committee - Confirmation of Policy and Planning Minutes - 10 October 2023 5 page That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held at 10.30 on 29 August 2023 at Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki

Policy & Planning minutes March 2021

Council was encouraged to engage more with iwi and hapu groups. Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives this memorandum and the attached inventory sheet for Messengers Bush, Meier QEII, Base Camp QEII, Van der Poel’s Bush, Watsons Hill Bush, Twin Giants, Menzies Road Hill Bush, Lucas Block, Hyview, Eight Hundred Trust KNE, Wild Earth, and Pete’s Spot. b) notes that the aforementioned sites have indigenous biodiversity values of regional significance and

Waihapa PS consent monitoring 2019-2020

(the Company) operates a hydrocarbon production station located on Bird Road at Stratford, in the Patea catchment. The Waihapa Production Station processes oil and gas from numerous associated wellsites. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the …

ANZCO Eltham (Riverlands) consent monitoring 2017-2018

circumstances, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent, a rule in a regional plan, or by national regulations. The Company holds two discharge consents that provide for disposal of wastewater and solids onto land in the Waingongoro catchment. Wastewater discharge - Lower Stuart Road Discharge consent 5569-1 covers the discharge of treated wastewater from meat processing and associated activities by irrigation onto and into land on Lower Stuart Road, Eltham and

Form 120: Discharge to air (including Coastal Marine Area)

 Local Roads   Property boundaries   Any other relevant features  5 Details of the Activity 5.1 If you have discussed this proposal with council staff, please give the person’s name here: _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.2 In your own words, briefly describe the activity you are undertaking: _________________________________________________________________________________

Form 112: Discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks to water or land

an aerial photograph to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Location of proposed earthworks   Local Roads   Property boundaries   Any other relevant features  5 Details of the Activity 5.1 If you have discussed this proposal with council staff, please give the person’s name here:

Form 102: Changes to dairy discharge consent

Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Cowshed   Local Roads   Ponds   Streams/Wetlands   Discharge point   Property boundaries   Irrigation area   Any other relevant features   Bores/wells  11 Assessment of Environmental Effects In accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991, all applications for discharge of contaminants into the environment must provide