Local Roads
Property boundaries
Any other relevant features
5 Details of the Activity
5.1 If you have discussed this proposal with council staff, please give the person’s name here:
5.2 In your own words, briefly describe the activity you are undertaking:
an aerial photograph to be provided.
Aerial photograph (or map) included
Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:
Location of proposed earthworks
Local Roads
Property boundaries
Any other relevant features
5 Details of the Activity
5.1 If you have discussed this proposal with council staff, please give the person’s name here:
Aerial photograph (or map) included
Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:
Cowshed Local Roads
Ponds Streams/Wetlands
Discharge point Property boundaries
Irrigation area Any other relevant features
11 Assessment of Environmental Effects
In accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991, all applications for discharge of contaminants
into the environment must provide
showing the location of the proposed dam.
An aerial photograph of the site can be obtained free of charge from Taranaki Regional Explorer;
https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsGallery/.Alternatively, contact the Consents Department at the
Council and request an aerial photograph to be provided.
Aerial photograph (or map) included
Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:
Dam location
Local Roads
Property Boundaries
Fonterra Whareroa
Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2019-31
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 2298438 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 2405080 (Pdf) March 2020
Executive summary
Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd (Fonterra) operates a dairy processing complex located on Whareroa Road
at Hawera, in the
protected assets include rail and road infrastructure, some airports,
education facilities, Crown land and health facilities and more broadly, the efficient functioning of the
economy and communities.
1 The Crown does not pay rates on its assets.
Present funding arrangements are neither equitable nor sustainable for addressing present and emerging
needs. The essential request to central government is for it to
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the
monitoring programme associated with resource consent held by Petrochem Limited. During this period, a
wellsite was established with one well (Kowhai D) tested and hydraulically fractured.
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in
respect of the consents held by Petrochem Limited that relate to exploration activities at Kowhai-D wellsite
located along Manganui Road in the New Plymouth
Future directions for pest management in Taranaki - 'Intervention logic model' worksheets.
Henwood Road railway crossing. Monitoring is also
undertaken at the points of exit from the site.
Aerial emissions from the now defunct brass and copper foundry and swarf drying
plant prior to the installation of the baghouse in 1996, have contributed to the
significant concentrations of metals, particularly copper, zinc and lead, now found in
the surface soils at the site. Historical practices relating to the handling and storage of
scrap, dross and baghouse dust have also resulted in
10-minute duration event of 5
year return period, is 670 litres per second. Currently, for consent compliance purposes,
the discharge point is at Henwood Road railway crossing. Monitoring is also
undertaken at the points of exit from the site.
Aerial emissions from the now defunct brass and copper foundry and swarf drying
plant prior to the installation of the baghouse in 1996, have contributed to the
significant concentrations of metals, particularly copper, zinc and lead, now found in