compliance monitoring programmes achieved a high level of
environmental performance and compliance with their consents, while another 59%
demonstrated a good level of environmental performance and compliance with their
1.2 Site decription
The galvanising plant owned and operated by Taranaki Galvanizers is situated at the
corner of State Highway 3 and Monmouth Road, approximately 1 km north of
Stratford (Figure 1). Road access to the site is via Monmouth Road.
The galvanising
that 1205 Devon Road has a consent notice registered on the title
(Record of Title 901786) that prevents habitable buildings being constructed while the
land is zoned within the Rural Environment or equivalent zoning. It is currently zoned
rural, as such no habitable building can be constructed on the property.
3.12 The Operative New Plymouth District Plan (ONPDP) identifies the eastern side of
Airport Drive as Rural Zone with a Future Urban Development Overlay (the
Company), a subsidiary of TAG Oil New Zealand Ltd, operates a petrochemical
production station located on Mountain Road at Ngaere, in the Waingongoro catchment. The Cheal
Production Station processes oil and gas from the Cheal group of wellsites. This report for the period July
2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the
Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period
under review. The
programme associated with resource consents held
by three concrete batching plants in the Taranaki Region, namely Allied Concrete
Limited (Allied Concrete) on Mould Street in Waitara, Firth Industries on Glover
Road in Hawera, and Fletcher Concrete and Infrastructure Limited (Fletcher Concrete)
on Mountain Road in Stratford.
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme
implemented by the Council in respect of the consents held by Allied Concrete, Firth
This report is for the period July 2015 to June 2016 by the Taranaki Regional Council
(the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by
TAG Oil (NZ) Ltd (the Company). BTW (on behalf of TAG Oil) managed the landfarm
(Vanner Landfarm), which was transitioned to the Company in this monitoring period.
The landfarm is situated on Lower Ball Road at Kakaramea, in the Mangaroa
The Vanner site became operational during the 2011-2012 monitoring period,
Kakaramea in South Taranaki. The wetland is located in the
Manawatu Plains Ecological District in the Mangaroa Stream catchment.
General description
The wetland area is 1.7 hectares in size and is predominantly a coastal
palustrine raupo dominated wetland with a small area of open water at the
western end. The wetland is in close proximity to other coastal wetlands in
the area including Regionally Significant wetland such as the Spence Road
Pond and Lake Kaikura.
Ecological features
revisit the Blue Water Highway project (Port Taranaki to Nelson) was also endorsed.
The Committee advised that the road links into the Egmont National Park (Dawson
Falls, Stratford, Pukeiti and North Taranaki) are currently becoming unable to deal with
growing tourist numbers/vehicles and supported the proposal to upgrade the roads to
enhance visitor experiences.
5.3 A further suggestion by the Committee was support to the forthcoming upgrade at the
New Plymouth Airport terminal.
Agenda for Policy & Planning Committee August 2017.
holder TAG Oil (NZ) Limited) operates a drilling
waste disposal site located on Lower Ball Road at Kakaramea, in the Mangaroa catchment. The
site is actively used to dispose of rock cuttings and drilling muds to land via the process of
landfarming. During the 2013-2014 monitoring period, the resource consent was transferred
from BTW Company Ltd to TAG Oil (NZ) Ltd. BTW have continued to manage the site, but
only waste material from TAG operations is now disposed of at the site.
This report
Stratford 4332 or
Location: South Road (State Highway 45), Opunake
Consent No: 1795-5.0
Application lodged: To take water from the Waiaua River in association with the Opunake hydro
electric power scheme
Consent No: 1796-4.0
Application lodged: To take and use water from Lake Opunake for hydroelectric power
Consent No: 1797-4.0
Application lodged: To discharge sand and silt deposists from a diversion canal sand trap via a
spillway to the Waiaua