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Annual report 2012-2013

terms and abbreviations 41 Biography and References 43 page ii Appendix I Flow data for the Patea River at Skinner Road, the Mangaehu River at Raupuha Road bridge, and the synthesised inflow into Lake Rotorangi for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 49 Appendix II TRC Lake Rotorangi water quality trend analysis 1990-2012 55 page iii List of tables Table 1 Water quality parameters measured at the two sampling sites 6

Biennial report 2011-2013

Origin Energy Rimu Production Station consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Form 111: Discharge stormwater to water or land (including Coastal Marine Area)

is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Discharge points   Catchment area   Local Roads   Property boundaries   Any other relevant features  5 Details of the Activity 5.1 The Council expects that this application will include a ‘Stormwater Management Plan’. This plan is to detail how the site and any stormwater treatment facility is managed to minimise, as far as practicable, the contaminants that become entrained in the stormwater and are subsequently

Annual report 2014-2015

consent to manage and operate a drilling waste landfarm located off Lower Manutahi Road at Manutahi. During this period the Company sequestered close to 4000 m3 of drilling mud and associated contaminated soil, the majority of which originated from Shell Todd Oil Services’ operation and clean up of their Kapuni impacted soils. This report is for the period July 2014 to June 2015 and it describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the

Annual report 2012-2013

page Executive summary The New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) maintains two reinstated landfills at Inglewood and Okato. Both landfills have been used in the past, and are now held in reserve to accept refuse on a contingency basis. The Inglewood landfill is located on King Road at Inglewood, in the Waiongana catchment, and the Okato landfill is located on Hampton Road at Okato, in the Kaihihi catchment, NPDC also maintains three closed landfills; Okoki landfill in the

STDC Kaponga Manaia Patea and Waverley 2020-2021

system (estimated at approximately 0.25 L/s) at the time of the survey. The river flow was gauged at 0.49 m3/s upstream of the discharge. The flow of 0.94 m3/s recorded in the lower reaches of the river (TRC Glenn Road recorder) was well below the average February mean monthly flow (1.53 m3/s) but above the minimum February mean monthly flow (0.68 m3/s) for the period 1978 to 2020. As a result of the small dilution afforded to the discharge, there was a decrease in clarity of the stream

Appendix 3: Wetlands with nationally or regionally rare, threatened or uncommon flora or fauna

kahikatea forest and Carex species. An area of previously cleared land reverting back to a wetland. Ararata Road 1ha Q21:281 899 Spotless crake, raupo reedland, occasional Carex species around edge and one clump of willows. A long 'V' shaped gully with a thin swampy stream. A man- made pond is located at the bottom of this gully. Mudfish Wetland 1 3-4ha Q20:268 963 Two very different vegetation types. One side is mainly flax and raupo and the other regenerating forest, with trees such

General standards

page 4.4 General standards These general standards apply where a rule explicitly states that these standards must be complied with. 4.4.1 Height (New Plymouth Airport) No structure or part of any structure shall interfere with the New Plymouth Airport Flight Path Protection Surfaces described in Section 4.3 of the plan. 4.4.2 Light Light sources shall be shielded so that the light source is not directly visible from any residence, vehicle on a public road or ship under


increase. Regional and district plans, and emergency management plans identify potential natural hazards for Taranaki, and contain controls to reduce hazard risks. The regional and district councils undertake flood prevention work and have flood event procedures in place to minimise risk. Building controls, refurbished infrastructure (such as water and power supplies) and improvements to road networks all enhance the region’s resilience. However, an increasing reliance on technology

Annual report 2016-2017

trade premises onto land under any circumstances, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent, a rule in a regional plan, or by national regulations. The Company holds three discharge consents that provide for disposal of wastewater and solids onto land in the Waingongoro catchment. Wastewater discharge –Lower Stuart Road Discharge consent 5569-1 covers the discharge of treated wastewater from meat processing and associated activities by irrigation onto