Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2365 results.

Annual report 2015-2016

Company’s discharges and their effect on the site. The BTW Wellington Landfarm was the second site in this area, the first, Brown Road Landfarm was completed and surrendered in the 2013-2014 monitoring period, where it had originally begun stockpiling in 2006. The Wellington Landfarm came to fruition during the 2010-2011 monitoring year, whereby it was an expansion of the then operational Brown Road landfarm. During the year of its inception the Wellington site became the primary disposal site

North Taranaki kaimoana survey 2000-2001

due to road and stormwater runoff into the river and coastal areas. For paua, most of the measured metal was in the soft body parts rather than the foot, and levels were again within expected normal ranges except for zinc in soft body parts caused by the presence of high levels of zinc-containing sediment in the guts of these animals. For both species there was no human health risk from the levels of trace metals present. In 1980/1, proposals for new

Annual report 2014-2015

Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is the Annual Report for the period October 2014-September 2015 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Silver Fern Farms Limited (the Company). The Company operates a meat processing plant situated on Wai-inu Beach Road at Waitotara, in the Waitotara catchment. The monitoring period coincides with the killing season. This report covers the results and findings


page Consent 5108-2 For General, Standard and Special conditions pertaining to this consent please see reverse side of this document Page 1 of 3 Doc# 1259263-v1 Discharge Permit Pursuant to the Resource Management Act 1991 a resource consent is hereby granted by the Taranaki Regional Council Name of Consent Holder: RKM Farms Limited 599B South Road R D 12 HAWERA 4672 Decision Date: 9 August 2010 Commencement Date: 9

McKee Mangahewa Production Station Annual Report 2021-2022

2023 page page Executive summary Todd Energy Ltd (Todd Energy) operates a petroleum production station located on Otaraoa Road near Tikorangi, bridging the Waitara and Onaero catchments. The McKee and Mangahewa Production Station (MMPS) processes condensate and natural gas from Todd Energy’s McKee and Mangahewa groups of wellsites and includes electricity cogeneration and LPG production facilities. This report for the period July 2021 to June

Central Greenwaste & Firewood consent monitoring 2018-2020

Stratford urban area and then composts it at its Victoria Road site. The principal components of green waste collected are lawn clippings and material from garden pruning. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses …

2020 TRC Environmental Awards winners

… page 2020 2020 page 06 765 7127 TaranakiRC TaranakiRegionalCouncil Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 Working with people caring for Taranaki page David MacLeod, Taranaki Regional Council Chairman Regional Council Taranaki Welcome to the 20 Taranaki Regional Council20 Environmental Awards. This year's awards are going to educators, students,71 and

Remediation Hearing Ngāti Mutunga Legal Submission & Haehanga Report

it must be bottled at source),54 some roads have a functional need to traverse wetlands/streams due to the fact that roads need to be able to be able to be built and sections of road need to be connectedS5 A composting and vermiculture plant does not have a functional 50 Above cited at [405]. 51 Refer above-cited at [423] - [424]: "We conclude from this evidence in relation to freshwater policy that wastewater or discharge from the [Land Application Field] into surface water is

Wai-iti monitoring report 2018-2019

the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) describing the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Wai-iti Motor Camp Ltd (the Company). The Company operates the Wai-iti Beach Retreat (the Retreat) situated on Beach Road in North Taranaki (Photos 1 & 2). This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in respect of the consents held by the Company that relate to the discharge of sewage effluent to groundwater and a


SITEDESCRIPTION............................................................................................... . 6 2. 1 Location...............................................................................g 7 "' ^mate--------------------............................. -..... -..... -.........................................................................7 2. 3 Hydrology/Hydrogeology...................................................................................7 Table 1: Kaka Road Rainfall Events