all the names of students/teachers and accompanying adults present must be given
to Kevin Archer or the resource person hosting the group at the start of the visit.
Road Access: Extreme care is required when driving to and from Pukeiti. While the road has been
improved in recent years, it is still winding and narrow in places.
Months available: School visits are welcome at any time of the school year. However some activities
may not be available during October and early
Taranaki Iwi. This stream also had an abundance of fish species resources including
tunaheke, piharau, kahawai, īnanga, pakotea, and kōkopu.
E1 Taungatara Stream Mahinga kai Map Link
Map - 25
Otumatua E2 Otumatua Pā Historic site Map Link
Map - 26
E3 Otumatua Tauranga waka Structure Map Link
Map - 26
Puketapu Located at the end of Puketapu Road this area continues to be used by the local people to gather
kaimoana, kōura etc and in past times was where fishing waka
Enviroschools kaupapa, Mountain to Sea, Water of Life
theme area, Arbor Day event with Asplundh and NPDC,
and a road trip to St Johns Hill School in Whanganui.
Plas�c Free July Taranaki events included presen�ng
at Living the Change film screenings in Opunake
and New Plymouth and a fun interac�ve learning
day at Puke Ariki.
Around 16,000 Li�le Gardens given away
thanks to New World New Plymouth.
A huge working bee at Uru� by the IVHQ team.
Meri Kirihimete
Our Boomerang Bags for
Iwi. This stream also had an abundance of fish species resources including
tunaheke, piharau, kahawai, īnanga, pakotea, and kōkopu.
E1 Taungatara Stream Mahinga kai Map Link
Map 25
Otumatua E2 Otumatua Pā Historic site Map Link
Map 26
E3 Otumatua Tauranga waka Structure Map Link
Map 26
Puketapu Located at the end of Puketapu Road this area continues to be used by the local people to gather
kaimoana, kōura etc and in past times was where fishing waka were
2849825 (Pdf)
March 2022
Executive summary
Tamarind New Zealand Onshore Ltd (the Company), holds consents for a hydrocarbon production station
located on Upper Durham Road at Inglewood, in the Waitara catchment. The Sidewinder Production Station,
previously operated by TAG Oil (NZ) Ltd, processes condensate and gas from the Company’s adjacent
Sidewinder wellsite. This report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring
overall (including international airports).
The Airport plays a significant role in facilitating access, trade, tourism and economic activity locally,
regionally and nationally. The Airport contains critical infrastructure assets including sealed and unsealed
runways, taxiways, aprons, passenger terminals, aircraft hangars, carparking areas, roading and
underground utilities. The site also contains critical aviation related operations including Air Ambulance
services, heliports,
Opunake Power Limited (the Company).
The Company operates a hydroelectric power scheme situated on Beach Road at Opunake, in the Waiaua
River catchment.
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in
respect of the consents held by the Company that relate to abstractions and discharges of water within the
Waiaua River catchment, land use consents related to disturbance and damming of the Waiaua River, a
discharge consent related to the
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is the Monitoring Report for the period July 2016-June 2017 by the Taranaki Regional Council
(the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Opunake Power
Limited (the Company). The Company operates a hydroelectric power scheme situated on Beach Road at
Opunake, in the Waiaua River catchment.
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in
respect of
Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is the Monitoring Report for the period July 2015-June 2016 by the Taranaki
Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource
consents held by Opunake Power Limited (the Company). The Company operates a
hydroelectric power scheme situated on Beach Road at Opunake, in the Waiaua River
This report covers the results and findings of the